Artist led community art

For many years, at Interfaith Community Sanctuary in Seattle, Washington, where I am an Associate Minister, I led an artist inspired, community created art piece at our spiritual retreats. We would then hang them in our sanctuary.

For inspiration I would, as I always do for creation, go into prayer and meditation.  This pathway gave me ideas and directions we could use for community art. The themes were spiritual in nature and filled with the symbolism found in diverse spiritual paths.

We had such joy filled deepenings in creating these pieces with no worry about how they would turn out.... and they all were wonderful and so different!  They were created in love and joy and friendship.   As with many community pieces, no one owned any one area, so all parts could be altered or added onto by everyone as we traveled our creative path together.  The art was originally designed by me....... and inspired by Spirit...... but painted by everyone!  The completed piece was birthed by us all!

Until 2017 all the community art was hung in the Sanctuary and loved by all.  Many people commented about the beauty of the community expression in the paintings.  And the members who created the pieces used to like to sit with the pieces and remember the experience of the painting’s birth.   But in 2017, there was a change, and all the community art was taken down.  Change is a part of life and all the love and positive intent and creativity that was created in them still exists with all the co-creators and is still in the paintings now. They all now live at my home and what a blessing it is to have all that love here! 

Here is a sampling of the spiritual art created together as a community and Descriptions of the creations.