Be your Joy, share your Joy
Be your Gift, share your Gift
Welcome! I believe that by sharing our Joy and Gifts with the world, we all benefit along our collective journeys. That was my driving force behind creating this site — to initiate a cycle of sharing that might inspire you to do the same. If you’ve been secretly seeking an invitation to share your voice, your art, your heart, here it is, dear one.
As you journey through this site and connect with the gems found here, my deepest wish is for you to feel even the tiniest spark to take that next step in showing the world your heartfelt Joy, your precious Gifts, and your most brilliant YOU! We’re all waiting!
Hi! I’m Linda Joy!
If you find yourself here on this website, I feel you are divinely guided in some way or fashion. I feel you have received an invitation from Spirit to visit here. You might be drawn to spiritual topics, or the Divine Feminine, or esoteric art creations, or children’s books with a spiritual leaning or you might just be here on “accident.” But I do not believe in accidents…
I believe that our essential self is Love and Joy and that we are all born with special Gifts to share with the world. Every single one of us. And that by sharing our Joy filled Gifts, we all come to a better place. A place with more love, more Joy, more life, more compassion, and more peace.
This belief has motivated my life, and while I have shared my Gifts in a variety of ways over the years, this is my first attempt to give them all a unified home. I can’t wait for what might be revealed to you as you journey through!
About Linda
You might wonder who I Am because people are curious. And to that I say, if you want to know me, I am contained in each page of this website. They all are like mini chapters of my life! So, to get to know me, just go to the sections and read my life chapters! They are not in chronological order as the essence of life is not in chronological order....my life is a creative, joyous, amazing, wonderful, whirlwind experience that happens in a non-linear fashion. But if you want to read some more words, thoughts, and events about my life here are some more.