Clouds of Dreams

I am blessed to live in a location near Seattle that looks out on Puget Sound, the mountains, and the huge, gorgeous, amazing sky in Western Washington. 

This is from a painting that I did as a part of a meditative process.  Each day, I would connect to the sky and the clouds and the colors and the light and the mountains. I would enter into prayer and meditation; as I always do when I enter a creative state, and then I started to paint.  

Each and every moment beauty is in front of my eyes, and it would change to remind me that the beauty around us is sacred and abundant and is changing and different every single moment.... if we just take the time to notice.   Seeing this beauty everyday allows me to connect to nature all around me, beauty all around me, the Sacred all around me. I am abundantly Blessing with this opportunity. And grateful. 

Recently, I took photos 365 days in a row of the sky, ocean, and mountains from home.  Someday, maybe I will paint every one of those but for right now, I just breathe in the beauty and strength around me and know I am blessed by the beauty.


Art imitates Nature: The Real Clouds of Dreams

In my heart, I know that sights in Nature, here on Earth are the true stunning creations of Art in the Multiverse.  So, I thought I would share a little of the beauty that surrounds me where I live here on Puget Sound in Washington State, that I am blessed to see every day,  that inspired my Clouds of Dreams painting.  Clouds are an ever-changing form of Divine Art.....all you have to do is slow down and see it!