We Are All Warrior Goddesses

The Creation Process

Sometimes my paintings are birthed in a short time, sometimes they can take years to be birthed. Both time frames are perfect because each painting or creation is so different. This painting that I call Warrior Goddess, came to me in prayer and meditation, as all my creations do. 

At times during the creation of a painting or a poem or a sculpture, I have a question to spirit and myself and it’s this:  Is this creation complete or are we still on a journey?  As far as this painting is concerned, this co-creation with spirit, I am not sure yet but I do know that Her voice, the Warrior Goddess of this painting, is strong and sure so I will know when more is wanted......or not. Creation is an adventure!

If you see my paintings in person, you will see that they are large. Most times I need to be up on a ladder to reach areas for painting. The themes are usually esoteric and symbolic. The paintings usually speak about the Divine Feminine in ourselves, our world, our multiverse, and the voice of Divinity that flows through everything.  And so it is with this painting. 

I thought it might be fun for you to see the Goddess Warrior being birthed into this reality in a creation process. And who knows....maybe there is more to paint with this Goddess!  If so, it will be shared on this page with you.  Afterall, we are all evolving.....