Sacred talks and writings

The talks included in this section are selections from my years of speaking at Interfaith Community Sanctuary and the Seattle Scottish Highland Games. Quite divergent, right? Not really... but you decide. I have been asked so many times for copies of these talks, that I have decided to make them available for all to read and consider. You will also find my poetry from the last several years, inspired by love and the beauty of the natural world.

I come from a family of writers. My father was a sportswriter and editor of a national sports magazine. And we all know that writing about sports in modern-day is like mythical writing to inspire us about our gladiators! My mother wrote wonderful rhythms about anything you can name.... mostly an occasion or a song ditty. You could give her a series of words and she could come up with something charming. That is a skill. My brother passionately writes pieces that are steeped in the situations we find ourselves in our world today. And my sister, wrote imaginary stories with comical, heroic characters that she viewed as eventually becoming a movie or a play. 

My family had a gift of gab and then could write it down. They had an ability to use words to relay pictures and emotions so that you were right there with them. They all might have been Druid Bards in past lives as they could pen stories to engage you in their worlds. Our family was like that, you see.

That leads to writing did not bloom until later in this life – I was a great audience for my family and a great sponge to absorb all their gifts! We bloom when we are supposed to bloom. When I remembered to invoke my creative process that I pursue while painting, that of prayer and meditation and connecting to my heart, it was like a Light turned on and I lovingly wrote from the collective and internal heart. Ahhhhhhh. In each of the following sections of this page, there is a more in-depth explanation of my different writing styles.


Wisdom Sharing at Interfaith Community Sanctuary

Scottish Highland Games- Celtic Goddesses Talks

