Mary Magdalene Chaplets

Quite a few years ago, I become aware of Margaret Starbird. For those of you who haven’t heard of her, her evolution from a devote Catholic to the woman at the forefront of a movement to awaken us to Mary Magdalene..... is an amazing story. If you don’t know, Mary Magdalene was the main follower and disciple of Jesus...... and the person whom Jesus married and had children with.  Yes, that’s right.... married and had children with.  

That is quite a statement, I am aware, but if you listen to your heart and read Margaret’s many books, you’ll know it’s truth. There are other references that one can refer to as well and I could go on for a long time here, but you can discover all this by reading Margaret’s books. Her original books, by the way, inspired books like the Da Vinci Code.

So back to my chaplets.  In a group I co-founded, called the Convocation of the Divine Feminine, who were dedicated to bringing awareness to the Divine Feminine, so we decided to ask Margaret Starbird to our sanctuary so we could do a workshop together. It was fabulous. One of the parts of the workshop I did was to teach people how to make Chaplets.  Chaplets, you ask?  What are Chaplets?  Margaret had put together a prayer with and for Mary Magdalene and prayer beads that held a certain rhythm, like a rosary or a mala and called it a Chaplet. 

So, I studied that principle and came up with a design to make the chaplets to use in prayer and meditation. And I taught how to do this. So, we all, including Margaret, made chaplets that day. 

For a while I had an Etsy shop to sell Mary Magdalene chaplets connected with and devoted to Mary Magdalene.  I sold these chaplets all over the world.  This also led to making prayer beads that were not specifically for MM but for prayer in general.   I no longer have the shop, but it was wonderful to connect to people around the world devoted to the idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children with her, in a balance of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. 

So here are some Chaplets that I hope will inspire you to make your own prayer beads to connect to the Divine Feminine or Divinity. Or.....I could probably make you one if that calls to you. Just contact me.