Why I Created this Logo


You might wonder about my logo so I’m going to share a little story. 

“Is everything a story”, they asked?  And she replied, “Yes.”

I always co-create with Spirit and that comes in many packages: paintings, poems, books, talks and this logo. My logo is what I call a personal affirmation of who I Am: shapes and symbols that remind me of who I Am, what I want to share, and what I want to encourage in the world.

Many years ago, when I was in prayer and meditation, I had a vision. I won’t share the whole vision right now. But part of it is I was walking deep inside a cave in the Middle East, and I looked to my left and there was an opening that was 8 sided. Each of the 8 sides and mid points connected to all the other sides and midpoints with beams of light. I knew that this was a portal to another location somewhere. It sort of looked like this:

This vision was in a natural setting, a cave, so the sides of the cave tunnel had the curving softness of nature, in other words not squared lines and angles that one would find in a human made tunnel.  

For many years this symbol and shape has come to me in different ways and one of the ways is in my art.  In fact, I did a series of paintings about this shape. While it is obvious that a painting is 2 dimensional, the symbol-shape is anything but that. It has many dimensions and can move and rotate.....in my creative way. 

Because to me, the 8-sided figure is a portal of some sort, it represents a star and an 8-pointed star has many association across world culture. And no surprise, many of the associations are to Divine Feminine Goddesses. 

Because the shape and the vision has been a part of my life for so long, I automatically thought about it for this website.  But what surprised me, is that in the creative process and the drawing of my logo, the shape changed, yet again. Now the symbol has many components that are a part of it and me as well.  

When I created the logo, I started with the 8-sided figure with straight angled lines but quickly realized that was not in alignment with me or part of my vision, so the straight lines became 8 softened curved lines.  In the grand scheme of things, straight lines are associated with the Divine Masculine and curved lines are associated with Divine Feminine. 

You might also notice that the logo has within its shape, 8 large Vesica Piscis and 8 small Vesica Piscis and that if you follow each of these Divine Feminine figures, you will see they are all connected in a line that continues forever around and around, as we are all connected and on a path that continues round and round.  The Vēsīcae Piscium (plural) in connection also holds a rememberance to the human helix that spins within all of us. 

The small Vesicae Piscium form a Flower of Life. Technically, the Flower of Life has 6 petals but I believe it can be whatever number of petals resonate with a person and for me it is 8.

Within the symbol I created I believe the loops look like Beings; Beings that are holding each other, helping each other, guiding each other, just as I believe we all are doing.

Also represented is the Moon and her phases which are deeply aligned with the Divine Feminine, as am I.  The 8 phases of the moon are, new Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent which are represented by the 8 crescents that you find near the outside. Each of the phrase’s roles resonate with us all in a circular movement, returning again and again, offering us opportunities.   

The circle contains Divine Feminine wisdom and at its very center, there is a dot of existence/nonexistence, a dot of light/ dark, and a dot of inbreathe/outbreath. 

You might have also noticed in the symbol 11 stars. They are there because my numerological birthday date is a master number of 11 which my purpose has been aligned with since I was a young child and is still today.