Healing Angels

Sometimes the pain we watch in others can be more extreme than the pain we experience ourselves. Many years ago, my best friend, my love, my sister, was diagnosed with lung and breast cancer. It was shocking because I could not think about a life without her and did not want her to suffer on any level. 

I did the best I could to comfort her, to be there for her, to heal her, to love her no matter what.  One of the things she told me is that people she had called friends and family, many times could not talk to her or spend time with her since her diagnosis and becoming sick. She thought it might be because they didn’t know what to say or that it frightened them or made them too sad.  Everyone tries the best they can, but I believe we need to step up and be there for others, especially people we love. And I love her with all my heart, with all my being...then and now.

I feel... and felt... as though she was a part of me, and I was a part of her; so physical separation during our whole lives was difficult.  She lived on the East coast, and I live on the West Coast, but we tried to visit as often as possible, and we always talked on the phone.  Separation was and is difficult on any level.... physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  At that time, there was no Skype or FaceTime or Zoom so we could not see each other.  We spent many hours on the phone and sometimes we would fall asleep- both of us- on the phone and just sleep that way the whole night, the phone still connecting us. Those phone bills were huge but not as huge as the Love we share.

At one point when I was visiting her during her treatment, I went along to her chemotherapy appointment, and I took along a sketch book and some colored pencils. I wanted to draw while we were together to give her something to watch and distract her and perhaps lift her spirits.  So, I started drawing, and the message I got from my “creative team across the veil” was to draw my sister’s healing angels that were with her on her journey. 

And so, it started.  I would vision her angels, drawing them and listen for messages for her. At some point, I thought maybe the other people receiving chemotherapy would like that experience as well so I asked others in the room, if they would like to see their healing angels; angels who loved them and who want to help them on their healing journeys.  The patients loved it and maybe it made those minutes in chemo a little happier, a little calmer, a little less fearful. And hopefully it helped on their journey to healing. 

When I returned to the West Coast, I decided to call chemotherapy locations here and volunteered to go and do the same thing. People loved it and I continued for quite a while.  Tapping into our gifts from Creator is one of the best ways to share ourselves with others. Our gifts are meant to be shared, whatever they are. 

These drawings are not perfect, but they were done with the healing energy of Love, which made them just what was needed and wanted.  Some of the drawings were for my Dear Sweet Sister, who transitioned to another state of reality way too early.  She is always in my heart. I miss hugging her and singing with her and laughing with her everyday of my life.   I love you, sissy. Thank you for your Light you brought to this Earth.

Meet some Healing Angels