Shawn’s Stories of Love
In the past, when I put my children....and now when I put my grandchildren to bed, they always ask for a story. And then I ask... “Do you want this story to be about you?” and they would always, always say “Yes!” They were always the central character, the heroine or hero!
These are stories, that I have told my oldest son and now the grandchildren, in one form or another depending upon the age, at bedtime. Bedtime is a wonderful time to plant seeds of wonder and wisdom and gifts about Life, Love, Light and the Divine.
The stores are about some of the big questions we ask ourselves when we are just starting our life or have had a long life or when we or when we, at any age, are questioning our life, our existence?
My children and grandchildren have asked, with such innocence and purity, these questions that perhaps have no answers. Questions that we all ask like.... what is my purpose? Am I loved? Where do I fit into the grand scheme of things? Who is my family? Is there a Divine Holy Source?
I have had the pleasure and the privilege in my life, of having children and people of older ages, ask these questions and many more. Sometimes with awe and joy in their hearts, and sometimes with pain. Sometimes as a young child, sometimes as an adult. I too have asked myself these questions for a lifetime. Sometimes the answers change or expand depending upon where we are in life, sometimes the questions change depending upon our exposure to an experience or to a wise being and sometimes, if we really listen, the answers come directly from conversation with Holy Source, our Holy Mother and Father.
But sometimes... the answers to questions of deep meaning, come from our Earthly Mothers. Mothers who are our family Mother, or maybe Mothers that we don’t personally know. They maybe Mothers of the Earth and Mothers of the Universe, Mothers of our Heart or Mothers of Wisdom and Compassion and Love, that we meet along our life.
Some say that we are granted access to answers for significant questions a little at a time, when we are ready and that it does not depend on how long we have been alive, it depends on who we are at the time and comes when we are ready. In my life as a Mother, I have found that my children often have the answers to their own and my questions, or more appropriately, that they are the answers to questions.
In my life as a mother, I have used the stories you will be reading with my children and grandchildren to let them know that they are loved, in fact that they are Love. That they are an important part of the web of life; an integral part of the whole of Sacred Holy Existence, an existence that is pure Love. And after all, Love is what we all are. And that their presence in the Multiverse is connected to and integral to everything.
I hope you enjoy the words and stories of Love which I share with you, as I shared them with my children and grandchildren of my heart over a lifetime. And I hope these stories encourage you to create stories of your own to talk to your children about heart felt deep questions they will have. May you know the Love you are and share your Love with all the children you meet.
So, without further ado....... May these stories inspire you and fill you with the knowledge that you are Divinely Loved and important in the story of existence.