Creation Process in Spiritual Art
I thought you might find it interesting to hear about my spiritual creative art process and to see it with some of my creations. As you can see, I create Sacred Art. This art could be paintings, drawings, sculptures, poetry, dance, song. And what they have in common with each other is that they are connected to Spirituality. My art is esoteric and created in a state of Being that connects me to the Divine. My unique creative process form goes hand and hand with my spiritual path and energy work.
When I want to create, I go into prayer and meditation and a state of Being is opened to receive joyful sparks of creativity. At this point, I surrender to the state of co-creation with Divine Holy One. I hold myself open to Love and Illumination and Light and Creativity that comes in. And also to the spirit and energy of the paint, the brushes, the paper, the water that I am employing. I am the joyous moving part as a bridge between this physical manifestation and spirit.
When I sit in this state of Being a feeling or a seed of creativity comes whooshing in, and I begin to visualize, and the creation starts to grow and glow and some expression of creativity, is breathed out to spin its own form of reality.
Sometimes the creative spark that appears is a color or a note or a brushstroke or a movement flowing in from Holy One’s creative field that I celebrate upon arrival in my spirit and body.
And at some point, of this process, and I fall in love with the creation, as I know our Holy One falls in love with us, time and time again. The creative expression– be it a painting or a poem or the beating of our hearts, is an expression of the Holy One and love.
The creations I have birthed in my life are to me like children, birthed from my soul, in an expression of love and creativity, both of us in a union of Love. An expression of Love living in the canvas and in my heart and in the Creative Field of the Multiverse. The visions whirl around in a cosmic womb of outcomes, colliding and dancing and blending until there is a Big Bang of a creation!
In the creative process, we can access the Holy Womb of the Divine Feminine, then hold the energy, the Light, deep within our spirit and body, like a child in our womb. After a creative incubation within, there is an outpouring where the action can be expressed to the external world in words, music, art, or any creative endeavor. In this manifested form, the artist responds, yet again; internalizing creation like the sacred dragon eating its own tail, the phoenix dying and being born again. The flow becomes an alchemical cycle, moving thru a sacred doorway of the golden mean spiral in constant movement between inner and outer worlds.
The visions once living inside of me are now a beautiful expression of love on a canvas, full of its own state of being, its own energy….out here. Yet we are one, in a creative expression, a union of Love. A work of art lives in unity with its creator, like the union of a mother and child, like union of the Divine and us.
Being creative and bringing something to this reality helps me understand, if even in a small way, the way that Holy One creates all the zillions of particles that exist on all the many unnamed levels and how exquisite and loved that energy is. I feel I know this because I love all my creations that way.
I thought you might be interested in seeing some of paintings in their creative births so here are a few photos chronicling them.
Spiritual Warrior
During my life, I have been moved to create. I say it that way because, I don’t think about it, I just feel it and it is a knowing that I need to create whatever I am called to do in that particular moment. Sometimes it is a painting, sometimes it’s a poem, sometimes it is a sculpture or a piece of jewelry that eventually finds a home ½ way across the world.
Like recently I was walking at night and the moon was full and the wind was blowing, and the stars were bright and the words to a poem came rushing into my consciousness. I did not have the intent while walking to write a poem. I was just in the moment with the beauty around me and it happened. I hoped to remember the words until I could write them down. But if not, that would be ok too as the moment was sacred with the moon, stars, wind, Holy One and I.
So, it is with a painting- being open to the beauty and strength and wisdom that surrounds us always. And being open to bring the visions here to this reality in whatever way is your gift. In this case, the vehicle was painting. This painting is about the strength and power of a Divine Spiritual Warrior. People ask me, is Her essence here in this reality or is She in another? For me, it is a combination of both these. The Spiritual Warrior is an essence that is across the veil in many forms and also here as she shares her strength, courage, belief and wisdom with me or anyone who wishes to connect to her. I have seen it happen, more than once. She was created with that intent, and she does that, if a person wishes. Strength, courage, belief, wisdom.
I am not sure if She is finished at this point- She will let me know when more is desired. And I will gladly be the moving part on this side of reality to make it happen.
Spiritual Archetypes
The start of this painting was a little different than some others. One year, the Convocation of the Divine Feminine decided to dedicate our Sunday services at Interfaith Community Sanctuary for that year to speaking about Spiritual Archetypes from the perspective of the Divine Feminine. Each of us spoke from our different spiritual perspectives which were Buddhist, Sufi, Native American, Goddess and Ancient Mysteries. Perhaps no surprise to you.... I was the Ancient Mysteries Woman.
The Convocation of the Divine Feminine at Interfaith Community Sanctuary dedicated our services to bringing awareness to and a balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in the Multiverse.
That year, I knew that the focus was going to be about specific Spiritual Archetypes but anything and everything about my creation and painting was unknown. So, I did what I always do, and I entered into prayer and meditation and opened my energy, heart and spirit up to creative input from across the veil. I did this in the beginning of the creation to see what the form might be. Some people might call this being creative, some might call it one’s imagination, some might call it visioning.....so many terms for this process.
So, in my spiritual creative process, I co-created the seed of a concept and drew a sketch on the canvas. At that point, it was clear to me that there was a large figure who held all the rest. Or perhaps you might say She is the origin of all the rest, none more important than the others, all living together in an expression of Divinity to assist us on our individual and collective journeys.
You might wonder who the large figure is this the painting. It is the Divine Feminine Energy of the Multiverse, She Who Is. And you might also wonder which of the archetypes are present. They are, starting at the 1:00 position and going sunwise.....the Innocent, Victim, Warrior, Caregiver, Seeker, Destroyer, Lover, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Sage, and ending with but really restarting with......the Jester as all our journeys are cyclic, spiraling and ever moving. There are so many symbols present in this painting. So many. And they were specifically placed in their locations by my visions.
Each month, I would paint at the Convocation of the Divine Feminine services, and the creation grew. Some of the archetypes called to me more than others. Does that mean those were the ones that I had dealt with already or does it mean that those were the ones I needed to still deal with? I am not sure. But I am sure that the action of prayer and meditation in creating the painting, was a part of my process to bring Light to the world. We are all of these archetypes, hopefully in a healthy balance to experience and learn from.
The Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget
One year, the Convocation of the Divine Feminine at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, decided to dedicate our Sunday services to the attributes of the Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget. As a part of the CDF, I not only spoke but also painted during our sharing about Her. As I am an art teacher, I thought that speaking and painting at the same time would be just fine. But I found that having the roles of speaking (very left brained) and painting in a meditative energy state (very right brained) was a challenge.
When I do live paintings, it is not just my energy and the energies across the veil, but it is also the energies of the people present that come into the creative process. I loved the experience and from that time forward, I have been a devotee of Bridget and have spoken about Her many times in many locations. I love her strength, inspiration, dedication, and healing attributes.
I would only paint on this canvas during the times of the services and directly following them to honor the idea of painting with the energy of the moments we spoke about Bridget. There were many people there who did not know of Her and many who did.
My process was to be in prayer and meditation during the time of the services and to be open to inspiration that came through. This I did each month, and a portrait of a powerful creative Goddess was formed. Unfortunately, I don’t have any more photos of the process than this, but I thought I would include Bridget as She is amazing. The imagine of this painting has been featured in publications ½ way round the world.
For some of my writings about Bridget, you can look at the Sacred Talks and Writing page. There in the Wisdom Sharing at ICS tab, you can read more about Bridget in: Bridget, Goddess of Wisdom, The Goddess Bridget and Imbolc, Bridget, and Creativity. Also, in the Sacred Talks page under the Scottish Highland Games Celtic Goddess Talks tab you can find information about her in almost every talk. I find that I include Her in most everything. As She includes me.