

Sacred Divine Mother and the 12

This 6x5 esoteric painting, that I did in 1990, was done totally in a meditative state. I would pray and meditate for quite some time before I started to sketch or paint each day. I did not start or continue the painting with a goal or a statement in mind as I decided to let the creation process lead me. I rarely, if ever, speak about what the details of any painting “mean” to me because that is only my lens and in this painting, the appearance of the details was a surprise to me. In this painting, there are elements of Holy Divine Mother, the number 12, and symbols of unknown origin, to name a few. In fact, the symbols that are contained in the painting are unknown to me. As I was painting them, I wondered what they were and what their meaning might be.  I still wonder but don’t need to know as I believe that the energy that is brought into being whilst creating, is often what the Multiverse needed.  Or perhaps at some point someone will see the symbols and it will mean something to them. And if I’m blessed, they might tell me about them!  


Lotus Heart

This 6x7 esoteric canvas was painted when I my visioning... the joyful awakening of a person I know. The lotus, of course, is full of symbolism across the world. And add to that the wings, heart, DNA strand, and the direct stream of consciousness and energy, streaming from and to and through the Being in the center and you have a joyous moment of Being in connection to the Divine.


The Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget

One year a group of women and I formed the Convocation of the Divine Feminine at Interfaith Community Sanctuary. We were a group of 5 women dedicated to bringing awareness to and a balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in the Multiverse. One year, we decided to dedicate our Sunday services for that year to the attributes of the Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget.  As a part of the CDF, I not only spoke but also painted during our tribute to Her that year. As I had been an art teacher, I thought that speaking and painting at the same time would be just fine. But I found that having the roles of speaking (very left brained) and painting in a meditative energy state (very right brained) was a challenge. I was familiar with both roles but mixing them was interesting. When I do live paintings, it is not just my energy and the energies across the veil, but it is also the energies of the people present that come into the creative process. I loved the experience and from that time forward, I have been a devotee of Bridget and have spoken about Her many times in many locations. I love her strength, inspiration, dedication, and healing attributes. 


Spiritual Archetypes

At one point in time, a group of 5 women and I formed the Convocation of the Divine Feminine at Interfaith Community Sanctuary dedicated to bringing awareness to and a balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in the Multiverse. One year, we decided to dedicate our Sunday services for that year to speaking about Spiritual Archetypes from the perspective of the Divine Feminine within our different spiritual homes which were Buddhist, Sufi, Native American, Goddess and Ancient Mysteries. Perhaps no surprise....I was the Ancient Mysteries. You might wonder who the large figure is in the painting.....for me- the artist- it is the Divine Feminine Energy of the Multiverse, She Who Is.  And you might also wonder which of the archetypes are present. They are starting at the 1:00 position and going clockwise.....the Innocent, Victim, Warrior, Caregiver, Seeker, Destroyer, Lover, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Sage, and ending with but really restarting with......the Jester.  There are so many symbols present in this painting. So many. And they were specifically placed in the locations they live. Their presence came to me in a deep state of meditation, and I knew exactly where they needed to be placed. Now it is for you to connect the dots.... eyes to see and such.  


Sacred Portal

I created these forms that I called Sacred Portals after seeing them for many years in my waking and sleeping visions. I would see these Sacred Portals like a “pay attention” sign.  I did not know what the significance of them appearing in my visions were, but I began to breathe into them and meditate with the Sacred Portals. And it was not just the 8-sided figure-it was always with the lines connecting all the various points.  I call it a portal because in one vision, I could see that you could transport from one place to another or one state of being to another or one energy state to another. Sometimes with meditation, the Sacred Portals seem to rotate and then become 5 dimensional. There were many of different kinds of Sacred Portals made with different focuses. Here are some of them. 


Night and Day

Night Balances Day: and Day balances Night.

Day and Night

Day Balances Night and Night balances Day.


Portrait of a Building’s Soul

A building, like a location, holds energy and projects a feeling from its soul. Yes, I believe that a building or a location has a soul which is manifested in the physicality of the brick and mortar but is also gathered from all those who are involved in its birth.


The Outbreath

At some point, years ago, I would vision about the Singularity. The holding within of All That Is. Holding within as one point of Love. I was trying to understand the Separation from the Divine.  In these visions, I would see and know the Inbreath and Outbreath of our Reality. Which is only one of many realities, of course. In these visions, I knew that reality had been in an Outbreath 7 times this point.  An Outbreath that some might call a Big Bang.  And in that moment of the Outbreath, All that is was spread throughout the known and unknown Multiverse in not just 4 directions, in not just 7 directions, but in directions we as humans have yet to discover. And All that Love.  


Spirit of a Native Woman

At one time, I had a house in Arizona and I... of course....I wanted to paint while I was there. So, this beautiful, amazing representation of a Native Woman came to me. I try to bond to the land, wherever I am, and her Spirit was a gift to me so I wanted to share her joy of life with all you behold her. 


Balance of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

As you might know from reading any or all of my essays and talks, I am devoted to the Divine Feminine in all her many presentations in this world and to the Divine Mother of All in the Multiverse. One of my soul’s missions is to bring an awareness to and a balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine roles and energies in our world and in the multiverse so it should be no surprise that many of the themes are about that idea, as this painting is.  Like everything that is, the All pours out of the same soul or mind or essence or location and yet there are both the curved lines of the Divine Feminine and the straight lines of the Divine Masculine represented.  And both of the DF and the DM interact and dance and create forms together, as we do. And all of this, is illuminated with Divine Light. The Divine Light of Love. 



A drawing incorporating Alchemy, the Divine Feminine and Druidry. I believe that most paths overlap as these 3 do, so symbols found in one, occur in another making deep connections.


Our Collective Ancient Grandmothers

At one time, I used to do large paper sculptures. One day while creating a paper sculpture in the shower (yes.... that’s where I would do that!) I heard a whisper that said, “We are your Grandmothers and the Grandmothers of your Grandmothers here to pass our wisdom to you. Sculpt a representation of us so that you may connect to our Love for you.” And so, I did. These Ancient Grandmothers are here to pass wisdom to us, if only you ask. So, ask.......


Take a Leap for Joy

There was a point in my life that I had to have courage and faith and trust to metaphorically leap off a cliff or in this case a birth myself again. A remembrance of knowing that everyone, including me, is held in the arms of Divine Holy One and She wants the best possible outcome for us all. And not to worry......take that leap because it’s a Leap that results in your birth and Joy.


Portrait of Linda, Shawn and Andy

When my youngest son was born, I wanted to do a portrait of my 2 sons and myself. But as it turned out, there was another mother included as Divine Holy Mother in the form of a mountain womb and a river umbilical cord is present. We are all held dearly by Holy Mother, by Mother Earth and our mothers, all connected with each other is a flow of energy of Love.


And They Became One

This is a portrait that I received in a dream. I have received many creative ideas in dreams but this one, was very special. In this dream, my partner and I were in human form, and we were arguing.  We went round and round about whatever it was but at one point, all became quiet, we put our arms around each other, and we sat down......and became mountains. Mountains that embraced each other and gave each other strength and respect. And then.... all of a sudden, a little hill popped up in front of us. At the time, I didn’t know what that hill was but several months later, I became pregnant with our first child. All foretold in this painting.


Water and Her Consort

As a continuation of the painting 

And They Became One, this canvas was created. It is something about the balance of the Earth together, the balance of water and earth. How they depend on each other, flow with each other, learn from each other and so much more. There is a fluidity of the water and a solidity of the earth, and each needs the other. Like we all need each other.


We All Flow Together

When I was creating the painting, Water and Her Consort, I realized I wanted to show the continuation of one point of life to another and to show that we all are connected in a grand creation of Love, in all Her beautiful forms. So, I had the lines from, And They Became One and the lines from Water and Her Consort flow together, just like everything everywhere all flows together if we have eyes to see and energy to feel. Love flows in all. They hang together in a statement of Love.