Sundance Ritual

at Mt Shasta

For many years, I was blessed to have teachers on my path that were women and that were Native American. I say it like that because they can be two different teachings, but they may overlap. 

One of these wonderful teachers was a woman who led a drumming group sharing the vibrations of healing through the prayer of song. I also had the blessing to learn from a Native American woman at Interfaith Community Sanctuary. By helping her with her gatherings, I learned much about the ways of the Divine Feminine in indigenous cultures. 

Until I experienced it, I had no idea about the medicine that drumming together in a sacred group could bring. Or the lessons about life that are experienced in such groups. These women became my sisters. One year, a drumming sister, invited me to attend Sundance Ritual where healing of the body, healing of the mind, healing of the soul, healing of the earth, healing of our relationships, healing of the multiverse can be experienced.   

There are Sundance rituals each year for healing in different locations in the U.S.  The one I was blessed to attend was at the base of Mt. Shasta in northern California on private land.  We were awakened each morning by the mournful song of a solo singer chanting, that still lives in my heart. It still calls to me at times and sometimes I come.

It was my first experience being a part of something as sacred as this, connected to the land so intensely, doing it with a group of like spirited two leggeds. I have so many experiences that live in my memories from this experience, that if I didn’t know for certain, if they really happened in this physical world, or in the spirit world.  I will not talk about these memories, but they are some of the most sacred moments of my life.    

I do know that Creator walked there and still does in our hearts today and heals us with a Love that is larger than any of our pain.  Here are a couple of Sundance inspired drawings I did before I went to sleep each night. 

Here are descriptions of drawings that were done during Sundance. It is really impossible to describe the energy or emotions of that time, but this might give an idea of that state of being. All the drawings were done with materials I could take with me in the wilderness- chalk and drawing paper. I am surprised they have survived 25 years. But....not really.