

how do we remember reverence in a world that is affected by violence and indifference?  Perhaps one of the ways would be to be in communion with nature, breathing with our Spirit, or by seeing life thru the eyes of a Mystic or expressing creativity or experiencing life like a child. 


In an attempt to describe my feelings about Reverence, I have written this. Words never quite get there but my energy was there when this was written, in a forest sitting by an ancient Cedar tree.


To be in the state of reverence 

and in communion with Creator, 


In awe of Her creation…........of all that is,

To feel our connection…..with all that is,

To feel our hearts…....beat together, 

To feel the Spirit that exists…. together, 

To feel the Heart of the Cosmos beating.... together, 

The Heart of Creation beating 

Together.............. together........... together 

In one form, as one form, merging into All of that.

One Reverent Spirit.


To be aware of the miracle of the smallest particle in space, or

The infinite intelligence of the cells of our body or

The beauty of a Flower petal or

The birth of a star or

The voice of a bird …………and then

To feel this Holy Family as One 

That we all are..........we all are..........we all are as

One Reverent Spirit.  


To know that we are in a relationship with everything together, 

Blessed by opportunities 

to love and honor and care for Earth, 

her body, and all forms of life found here and in other realms, 

and the galaxies, 

the universe, 

the multiverse, 

the multidimensions.

By our energy, thoughts, prayers, words, and deeds. 

Reverence for life, 

Reverence for creation, 

Reverence for all that is 

Feels like Divinity washing over me 

in a flood of Reverence.

In one form, as one form, merging into All of that.

One Reverent Spirit.   


So deeply touched by the reverence of All

That my heart bursts open…. yet again

To have the immensity of it all pouring in, 

The beauty of it all pouring in,

The mathematical synchronicity of it all pouring in,

to absolute overflow.  

And to once again know,

that we-are-all-one. 

We are all One Family, One Being

connected in a cosmic dance, 

In a web of life, 

In a universal cord, 

In a luminous tapestry

In an emergence of energy and light,

In a mathematical equation of divine love

In a multi-dimensional canvas of the multiverse, 

In one form, as one form, merging into All of that.

One Reverent Spirit.   



Birthed in a Reverence so deep and wide and intense 

That there must be another word, 

That there must be a phrase, 

There must be a brush stroke,

There must be a musical chord

Another way describes this state. 

This state of being that is union, that is all, that is Divine. 

That is one form, as one form, merging into All of that.

One Reverent Spirit.   

That is One Reverent Spirit


Touch Each Heart with Love


New Moon Potential