The Story Before all the other Stories: 

Story 1:

In the Beginning.

Once upon a time......because that’s how stories start....

we all lived in the Womb of Love that is Divine Holy Source. In that state of Being, we all lived as pure love, light, wisdom, joy, grace and compassion- and of all the other remarkable qualities that we, here on earth, are trying to remember to Be. I say remember because we all have those qualities – and so many more within us......even if we don’t remember them right now.

In that long ago,


that is, 

fit together like a perfect puzzle, each part living in blended synchronistic harmony with all the other parts, snuggled up in a perfect fit with each other, expressing the beauty of Holy Divine Source. In fact, our harmonies were so blissful that the Song of the Cosmos filled everything with Joy and Love and Light, and.....a generous sprinkling of iridescent color that is not seen here on earth with our limited perception. But if you just close your eyes for a moment......

and imagine with your can feel and see and hear this reality! It will twinkle and glow and harmonize inside you bringing a feeling of happiness, peace and home...... anytime you desire. The reality of our true birthplace and that we all are pure Love.

At one-point, Divine Holy Source, the Creative Creator, the Holy Divine Artist of the Multiverses, had an inspiration! This inspiration was to give each amazing beloved spirit-soul of the All the choice to either stay in that co-existence take an adventure, to go on a quest, to seek a journey, to do a walk some other location to experience different opportunities. Opportunities to Be... in a different reality, a different existence, a different creative arrangement of Divine Love and to feel existence from a different point of view. Wow! 

Divine Holy Source, made sure that each and every splendid inspired Spirit-Soul would know.....right down to the smallest, tinniest tiniest cell.... that no matter which shape or location or reality was chosen, each astonishing divine Spirit-Soul would always, always, always and forever BE Love and would BE love is what we all are and forever will be. 

In the womb of creation, time is fluid; there really is no time. So today or tomorrow or yesterday is all the same to choose to take a journey, have an adventure, or go on our soul quest....or to stay. So today or tomorrow or yesterday would all be the same if a certain conscious part of Divine Love wanted to take a journey, to have an adventure, to experience something different.

It is always a choice, a divine choice, to be here or there, up or down, over or around. Divine Holy Source let all the extraordinary, delightful Spirit-Souls know that our home in the womb of creation, is always there for us whenever we want to come to our true birthplace. 

Love is forever, in every location of Creation- 



everywhere living in our hearts. some point in time..... a particularly precious celestial Spirit-Soul of the All, was thinking and feeling and dreaming and considering the choice of a quest, for a journey of Love. This pondering time could have been       






           L          O        N         G         


 L          O      N        G        


Or was as quick as

a twinkle of an eye          

or a flash of a lightening 

or the bang of the Big Bang   

or the presto change-o of a magic trick           

or as quick as a bunny    

or as fast as the wind.            

Really....I’m not time does not exist there.  

But this adventurous, creative, brave Spirit-Soul of the All made a decision!!  

And that decision was (drum roll please .........)

to go on an adventure, a journey, a quest!  

A quest that would lead from there  to here 

Or is it from here     to  there...

to a different location and reality to experience 

how love lives, somewhere else. 

For Love is what we are and forever will be, no matter the location.

Deciding to go on the journey from there to here was just the beginning. That first decision of embarking on a soul journey, was probably the most difficult to make as this meant leaving the closeness of the Womb of Divine Holy Source and all the Love that Is. Just to make sure, Divine Holy Source assured all of the cherished essences of Love, all the Spirits-Souls of the Heart, that no matter where they went, our Love, THE LOVE, would be as strong and as pure and as connected as when we are all snuggled up in one Divine Love Hug. Divine Holy Source reminded all the exceptionally sweet, loved parts of Creation, all the Spirit-Souls, that if they ever felt homesick, to just remember the Love of the Oneness with all your Being, in all your cells. After all, Love is who we are and sometimes we just need a little memory boost! 

So, the perfectly perfect Luminescent Love Lump made THE decision!! The biggest and most brave take a journey through time and space to meet other exceptional expressions of Love! And also, to learn about Love in action in the multiverse. Wow! With great feelings of joy and excitement, the journey had begun! 

But there were other important decisions to make. The next decision! What location in the whole wide multiverse shall the ecstatic excited Spirit-Soul visit? Where shall the grateful Spirit-Soul go to experience Love? Where can I see, taste, hear, smell and touch the face of Love?? Where can I learn and share and hold hands with Love and Joy? Where shall the intuitive radiant Spirit-Soul go to learn and share love and joy and compassion and empathy and reverence and wisdom and so much more? What a great question! Where??? After much thought about this particular journey, this adventure of exploration, this Soul Quest....the imaginative questing Spirit-Soul decided to go to a place that tales of wonder had been told.

The place???      Earth!  

Yes, Earth!     It is to be Earth!                      

Earth..... here I come!!!

Wow! Two big decisions made! What’s the next one??? Bring it on! 

I’m starting to enjoy this!! The next amazing decision to make for this journey was to be a male or a female on earth, as that is how creations on earth are. And as this is a story about my son; the loving treasured Spirit-Soul decided to be a male.. this time. But just to be clear, he would have been loved in whatever form he chose to be. Love knows no boundaries and certainly is not limited by being either male or a female.   

Love is all. 

So on to the next big decision which choose Earthly parents!   

To figure this out, the perfectly perfect visionary Spirit-Soul of Divine Love, sat in a group of other perfectly perfect Soul-Essences of Divine Love and they thought and meditated and talked and dreamed and sang and prayed about who might be the perfect parents for this journey.  

So much to consider. In which family would Love be abundant and strong, in which family would I find the lessons I want in this life, in which family would I find the other Spirit-Souls of Love I want to meet, where would I learn, where would I fulfill my purpose, where would I be challenged, where would I be supported and guided, where would I be held when I fell, where would I be safe, what family would help me to remember Divine Holy Source in whatever form She is here on earth and the multiverse and all the realities? Wow! So much to consider!  

A lot of heart discussions and dreaming and meditating and visioning followed and then the decision was made! Choosing a life path is an important action so again, no time exists in the process. So, the joyful, innocent, innovative Spirit-Soul chose the perfect family for this time, for this adventure, for this Earth journey. 

You chose us, my dear son. Thank you, with all my heart.  

And then all of a sudden...... stars flashed, planets spun, books were opened and recorded, and it was birth time! And sure enough, the loving essence in the form of a baby boy, was born on October 16th.  

The child was named Shawn, which his mama....that’s me.... chose as it means God is gracious and a gift from God, which Shawn absolutely is. Shawn continued to live and grow in human form and at some point, his internal voice, his enthusiastically inquisitive Spirit-Soul connection, started to activate and to speak in his inner voice. That voice and connection is always within us and waits for the right time in each person to be heard. Sometimes it happens early at a young age, sometimes it happens later in life, and sometimes it does not happen at all. Not because the connection and voice are not always there but because the person has not yet chosen to hear it.  

His Mama ( that would be me...) said, “Be quiet, my son, and listen with your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions. Listen to the Love and Wisdom of the Multiverse.”

At some point in time, Shawn’s inner voice started to activate. Shawn, a pure being of Love and Light talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts, his inner divine voice. He then started asking questions that come to us all on our soul journey. He asked questions in the quest of remembering the gifts that he is and remembering that he is Divine Love and Divinely Loved. 

There were questions like...How did I get here to earth and you? Am I really connected to everything? Is everything really one family? Am I loved? How much am I loved? Am I an important part of everything? What is the reason I am here? Is there a Divine Holy Source of everything? Where is my real true home? So many questions.   

Shawn might have used different words to ask these questions, but the meaning is the same. All these questions, no matter what age we are, help us to remember who we really are and always will be: Love of Love; a sacred part of the connection of Divine Love throughout the galaxy, universe and multiverse. When Shawn started to ask these questions and others, he talked to his Mama about them. In answer to some of his questions, I said how about I tell you some stories to help you remember on your own, to help you connect to and hear your own inner divine voice?

His mama would say with her voice and her heart and her energy, “ son...listen with all your heart and you will hear the answers to all your questions. You are a being of Love and Light who can listen and talk to THE Heart of all Hearts. Sometimes your answers will come through the words of people here on earth, or words directly to you or sometimes through an experience in nature. For instance, the stories I tell you are a gift from Divine Holy Source through me to help you remember that..... You are Love and Light. All of life is like wrapped up in beautiful packages of Love and knowledge and wisdom for us to see the experience the meaning. That is one of the challenges and the joys of this life! So again, ask your questions, listen with all your heart for the answers and start unwrapping the gifts in your life. But just for now, how about I tell you some stories to help you to remember on your own? I would love to do that.”

I must say, it will be for you, dear reader to decide if these are just stories that Shawn’s mama told him or if these are adventures they actually took in our world to feel the Love of Creation. Or maybe they are both! And I must also tell you, that I saw you, dear reader, on our adventures, over there, watching and learning. Yes, you! I’m talking about you! All you have to do is remember! 

And because stories end with this......

The End........but I think it’s just the beginning!