Story 2:

How Big is Love?

“Listen, my son...listen with all your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions.   Listen to the wind, to the trees, to the stars, to your family, to your heart; listen to a wise and loving human, to the lessons of your ancestors, to your inner voice, to the voice of Holy One. Answers can be found in many places.”  So, Shawn, a being of Love and Light, talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts and asked questions in the quest of remembering.

Once upon a time.....because that’s how stories start......a little boy named Shawn and his mama were quietly sitting on a big boulder, in a meadow full of wildflowers and critters, watching the sunset go behind a mountain. It was magnificently beautiful. At some point, after a long stretch of quiet.....Shawn asked his mama,  about Love with a Capitol L. The kind of Love that embraces everything in its arms and holds us close and safe, so we can Love and bring our gifts to the world.  I think Shawn was inspired by the vastness of the beauty around him.  While Shawn seemed young to be asking mama about Love;  Love after all, is our true nature.  His mama knew that children are a pure expression of Divine Love, as yet untouched by the ways of life so she was happy to hear him say, “I know you Love me, mama, but how much do you Love me and how big is Love?” 

To this his mama said, “Oh, my lovely son, this may be difficult to believe, but I Love you with all the strength and force of eternal Love. My Love for you always has been and it will go on forever.  Love is infinite and comes in so many forms and designs that show themselves across the multiverses.  Love       is        All.   

Love is from the beginning of all that is, to the end of all that is. Love is outside the limits of time and space.  So big is Love that,  it’s really unknowable by us human beings.   But to try and understanding the massiveness of love, let’s try something.  To give you a feeling of how much I love you and how much you are loved,  I’m going to take you on an exciting trip!”

Shawn loved adventures and loved to learn so he was excited to go on a journey  with his mama. He was so thrilled that he smiled a smile bigger than a rainbow, he jumped a mile into the sky, and he said thank you, in a 100 different languages, including Chipmunk!

There were so many wonderful places on Earth that mama could show Shawn about Love, as Love is everywhere in so zillions of forms.  Mmmmmm, she about we start our Love trip very close to the top of a very tall mountain.  So, they started walking and seeing and hearing and touching and smelling Love forms right away. Soon they arrived at the top of the mountain and his mama said to Shawn,  “Tell me....... what do you see now and what have you seen since we started our walk, my son?”   Shawn looked around and said he could see.... the sun, sky, clouds, trees, a hum of buzzing bees, a river that turned into a stream, a rainbow, different kinds of animals and plants, rocks, rivers, streams, mountains, hills, so much!   “Yes!  Isn’t it all so amazing and beautiful?” said his mama.  

And mama said,  “There is so much more we don’t see way up in the galaxies and stars and also under the ground, right under our feet! No matter how much all our senses can experience by sight, smell, taste, touch, sound and energy,  I Love you even more than all of that!   And as much as I Love you.... Divine Holy Source Loves you even more....and that is a lot!”  

The next place that Shawn and mama visited was the Grand Canyon.  The Grand Canyon is a place where you can see so far...both in miles but back in time as well as the canyon shows the Earth millions of years ago. And it is amazing to see.  So, when they got to a place where they could see the tremendous expanse of it all, mama asked Shawn. “What do you see, my son?”   Shawn told her that he could see the earth carved by the touch of the river way, way, way down at the bottom of the canyon. And the sky so big it went on forever and clouds with billows that reached to the heavens and water that was gentle but could carve all the beauty of the stone in front of them and the animals that loved the earth at this place.  And so much my eyes don’t see like the history of this place and everything under the ground.  And again, mama said,  “No matter how much all your senses can experience,  I Love you even more than that!  And as much as I Love you, Divine Holy Source Loves you even more than I do....and that is a lot!”

Then his mama thought about one last place she wanted to take Shawn to see the largeness of Love.  So, she held Shawn’s hand and she flew him out to the edge of the Universe.  They were quiet for a while to experience the unexplainable hugeness of what they were experiencing. Then she asked Shawn again,  “What do you see, my son?”  As you can imagine, at this location, Shawn could see almost everything!   And in answer to mama’s question he said,   “I can see stars and suns and solar systems and space dust and galaxies and nebulae and planets and moons and comets. And I know there is more that I can’t see than I can see, so Wow!”   And his mama said,   “No matter how much all your senses can experience, my beautiful amazing Light filled son, I Love you more than all of that!  And as much as I Love you, Divine Holy Source Loves you even more than I do”  

“Now my son, I want you to close your eyes and look inside your imagination and memory and remember all the wonderful places of Creation that we visited today and know that I Love you more than all of that!   And as much as I Love you deeply and without end, Divine Holy Source Loves you even more because Her capacity to love is even greater than mine.  She is the Mother to Everything that Is;  Her Love is the Love of all that is. Believe it, feel it and know it...... as it is Her gift to us.”

Then mama held Shawn in her arms and kissed the top of his head and said it was time for them to return to earth.  So, they held hands and flew home, leaving little signs of love behind them in a trail of shooting stars and comets. 

“What’s that, said someone on earth?” And the mother of a small child said, “That’s a shower of Love for us all to see.”

And because stories end with this......

The End....... but I think it’s just the beginning