Story 3:

There Are No Boundaries to Love

“ son...listen with all your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions. Listen to the wind, to the trees, to the stars, to your family, to your heart;  Listen to a wise and loving human, to the lessons of your ancestors, to your inner voice, to the voice of Holy One.  Answers can be found in many places.”  So, Shawn, a being of love and light, talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts and asked questions in the quest of remembering. 

Once upon a time.....because that’s how stories start...... Shawn and his mama were sitting together in the woods, quietly listening to the sounds of nature;  a bird’s song, the babble of a brook, the chatter of a chipmunk, the wind in the trees.  Shawn could see the connections of the forest when he looked at the ancient cedar tree branches touching the sky and its’ roots reaching deep into the earth and all the critters who lived in that tree and depended on cedar’s strength. And Shawn saw the eternal flow of the rivers rushing to the sea and the nourishment from the soil and the water arriving as rain or snow or fog.  He could see the connections and relationships in Nature, and he wondered if he was connected to everything like the trees, land, animals and water are connected.  

So, Shawn asked,  “Mama, I see how everything in the forest is one family but am I a part of everything like they are?”

 “Ahhhhh,” said his mama, with Love in her voice,  “that is a very good question. You definitely are as connected as all you see in nature, for you are a part of the web of life just like they are but.......why don’t you ask Divine Holy Source yourself?  And if you would like, I can show you one of the ways to listen to Her ever present, powerful and Loving voice so you can hear your answer.”

Shawn considered this for a moment and said,  “That sounds great, mama....could you please show me?” 

So, his mama said,  “I would love to, my son.  One of the ways is for you to go into the forest and find an ancient cedar tree that is special to you, one who’s branches reach to the stars and who’s roots reach deep within the earth,  who lives by the side of a body of water on a mountain.  Take the time to find a place that is pure and strong.  Sit and be quiet and connect to the Web of All that Is. Ask your questions and  know that an answer will come.  Listen for your answer.  The answer may come in a different package than you expect, but it will come. It could be the wind in the trees whispering to you, the buzz of the bees telling you a secret, the crunch of leaves talking to you, a sweet voice within your inner self confiding in you, or just maybe a story from your mama. Just listen and you will hear the answers to your questions.

So, Shawn went out into the forest looking for the location and cedar tree.  All of a sudden, he heard a voice calling to him.  He went this way and that,  listening and following  the voice who said, “Come this way, over here, come this way” and soon he found the perfect spot for this moment and sat next to a wise cedar tree that had been calling to him.  “Hello, wise Cedar tree”, Shawn said.  Then he sat down and became so still that you might not have noticed him among the growing things.   He was quiet in the beautiful forest at the base of the tree and asked Divine Source to show him how he was connected to everything in the web of life that his mama told him he was a part of.  And what happened next, answered his question.......but you might not believe it!

Right at that moment, Shawn saw all the boundaries of him and everything else disappear!   No longer were there separate trees, animals, him, growing things, water, earth, stars, planets, comets, galaxies! The boundaries were gone in a flash!  In a zoom!  In a ripple of space!

What he did see was that everything that exists, everything that is, was one gigantic, connected reality. All more alike than different, all with a single heart that lives inside of everything that is!  All one Being, one family, one Love, with one heartbeat.  Shawn could see that the boundaries everyone sees were....... imaginary!   Made up!  A figment of our imagination!  He was amazed!   Can you imagine that?   There was no separation- no other thing and then him.  We are all One!   Wow!    He saw that everything was all the same consciousness, life force, being, structure,  which made everything one giant.... Being of Love. 

In that moment, when Shawn knew, he was deeply connected to everything, a part of a larger whole, he could sense so much about life.  He saw his connections; not just with his human family but with all life’s families- plants, animals, elements, weather, stars, planets, galaxies......and how his actions can forever help and honor all on earth and earth herself  and all the way out to the universe and multiverse. 

Then as quickly as the boundaries disappeared, they all came back! Wow!  Presto-Change-o!!  Lickety-Split!  The experience by the sacred Cedar tree showed Shawn the uniqueness of everything on earth and throughout the multiverse but that we are all really ONE life force.

Sitting in nature, in that very special place by the cedar tree on the mountain by the stream,  Shawn could see how he is connected to all that is here on earth and everywhere.  Because Shawn understood how he and everything is connected in Love he was so happy, and he smiled a light-filled smile of Love that reached to every part of creation. Thanks for your Light Spark of Love, Shawn.

And because stories end with this......

The End........but I think it’s just the beginning!