Story 4:

The Star Family

“ son...listen with all your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions. Listen to the wind, to the trees, to the stars, to your family, to your heart; Listen to a wise and loving human, to the lessons of your ancestors, to your inner voice, to the voice of Holy One. Answers can be found in many places! So, Shawn a being of Love and Light, talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts and asked questions in the quest of remembering.”

Once upon a time......because that’s how stories start.......Shawn and his mama were looking at photographs of their family; mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great-great grandparents: so many people, so many stories, so much Love.

While Shawn was looking at the photos he asked, “Mama, can you tell me more about my family? He asked for more because his mama had already told Shawn a lot about the amazing people who were his ancestors. To answer his question mama said, “Shawn, you know I love to tell you stories about our family! But did you know, there are so many ways to look at... family? Our earthly ancestors in our family were brave and wonderful and loving people who lived before us. If you go back enough generations, I believe all the people on earth are related, in one big family! So, we have lots and lots of relatives! 

If you go back even farther than our people ancestors, we are related to other life forms here on earth. “Really mama, is that so?!”

“Yes, my son, we are all one family. People are just one of the life forms here on Earth- we are the two leggeds. But there are also the 4 leggeds, the flyers, the swimmers, the plants, the crawlers and even tiny weenie single cell beings. But still we are all related in one earthly family.”

“And then there are other families of Mother Earth, of which we are part, the stones, the weather, the fire, the water, the wind, the elements. We don’t speak the same language or have the same way of being families, but we all are one family on earth and one family of Divine Holy Source, connected in a web of life, sort of like a 3-D puzzle.... all interconnected.”

To this Shawn said, “Wow....that is a huge family! Is that why sometimes when I walk in the forest, I feel like I am at home?” And to this mama said, “Yes, my son, your family is all around you. Remember who you are, and you can feel all your relations.”

“And Shawn, you might think this impossible, but do you see the stars in the night sky? And to this Shawn nodded yes while gazing at the night sky. Everything on earth- including us- is made of stardust and that means that we are all a........ star family! And remember, our last name is means Star! So, a clue as to who you are has always been with you. All the elements on our earth and in our bodies were once part of stars that exploded zillions of years ago.”

“No way, mama! How can that be?”

“To answer that question, Shawn, I have a story within this story about how a brave little star shared herself with the multiverse- would you like to hear it?”

So, as Shawn and mama sat looking at the night sky, mama told him a stellar story.

So again, once upon a time.......there was a dazzling star whose light shone so brightly with Love and Light and wisdom and compassion and joy and all of the other ingredients of Divine Holy Source, that the other stars twinkled whenever they glanced her way. One day, Divine Holy Source asked this energetic star, if she wanted to take an adventure, to go on a quest, to be part of something different....... be a part of a new world of beings. So, the luminous star said, “Yes! You bet! Wow! Absolutely! I’d love to do that! Thanks for asking! can I do that??” 

Divine Holy Source smiled and said to her, “For this, my dear shining starlight star, you must be as brave as you are luminous, as you will lose the way of being that you are now. That form of you, will need to die....... to change into another form. But you will expand and spread yourself across the universe, in an array of Light and Energy and Love and Stardust....You! In this way, you can become a part of everything you see, everything that Is!”

The Stellar Star was quiet listening to Divine Holy Source, taking in all that was said and feeling her way to a choice. 

“So, my dear shining starlight you still want to do this? I will understand if you don’t want to. And I will love you no matter what form you are in”, said Divine Holy Source.

Well, the remarkable star had to think about it because becoming something that you don’t know anything about, is a little scary. But sometimes we need to trust and believe and then surrender to something bigger than ourselves. So, the trusting and vibrant star said “Yes!!!” and the light that expanded from her, brought the elements that made our world and other worlds and things we don’t even know exist.....and even ourselves. So, each night when you look to the stars, say a thank you to her for all that she shared. And know that within you is a star shining bright for all to see.

Shawn thanked his mama for the story within the story and learning more about his family, the Star family. And he understood even more how he is related to everything everywhere, even the stars. So, each day, he decided to pretend he was something different to experience life from another perspective, another part of his family. One day he was a little boy, one day he was a deer, one day he was a rainbow, one day he was a snowflake, one day it was a hawk, and on many days....he was a bright and shiny star.

And because stories end with this......

The End........but I think it’s just the beginning!