Story 6:

You Never Know Until the End of Time

“Listen, my son...listen with all your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions.   Listen to the wind, to the trees, to the stars, to your family, to your heart;  Listen to a wise and loving human, to the lessons of your ancestors, to your inner voice, to the voice of Divine Holy One.  Answers can be found in many places.  So, Shawn a being of Love and Light, talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts and asked questions in the quest of remembering.”

Once upon a time.....because that’s how stories start, there was a wonderfully inventive little boy, named Shawn.  Shawn and his mama loved to talk about many different creative ideas like ....why does the moon sometimes look orange or why do the clouds sometimes look like dragons or why are there so many different languages or why do people die or why do I like to sing?   And then one day, Shawn asked his mama a different sort of question, one that people of all ages wonder about; people who are very young and people who have lived a long time. 

What was the question, you ask?  It was this.  Shawn wanted to know what his purpose was being here, alive on earth.  But he might have asked it like this,   “I wonder what I will be when I grow up, mama?”

To this, his mama said,   “Oh my Shawn!  What a great thing to wonder about, to think and dream about!  Can I tell you a story about that? ”  Shawn loved his mama’s stories, so they curled up on a couch with some hot cocoa and she began.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Shawn who had a smile that could light up the universe.  He would sit in a tree in his backyard and think about this and think about that and then think about another thing.  And sometimes when he came upon a thought that pleased him, the light that would shine through his eyes, through his voice and through his whole body would make you think a new star was born or that we had two suns.  

Sometimes his thoughts would be like an intertwined, one thought to another to another- on and on until the chain of thoughts were a million thoughts long!   In that chain, there could be amazing thoughts like the meaning of love, how does a rocket ship reach mars, why do I like chewing gum, how can I invent something to help someone walk, what rhymes with heart, is ice cream the best food in the world, is it really our hearts that love or is it our brains? And so much more ...every day. That’s what happens when you are a bright, inquisitive person, no matter your age. Ideas and thoughts just would bubble up and sometime surprise him in little bursts of happiness.

Then one day the contemplative little boy wondered, a different kind of question, one that his mama had wondered about as well. He wondered what he would be when he was older and sharing himself and his gifts with the world. 

His mama had already told him that we all have gifts and wisdoms and strengths we can share with the world.   All of us.  And all of us are so different and our gifts are very different.  Isn’t that wonderful?  

So, on a particular day, Shawn thought about which of his passions and strengths he would like to share with the world.  Which one???   I love to learn about places in the universe so maybe I will be an astronaut and discover new worlds.  I like to help people so maybe I will be a scientist and discover cures for dis-ease.  I love to write about my feelings so maybe I will be a poet and write words that help people see life a beautiful new way.  I have a great voice and love to sing so maybe I will be a song writer who writes music that unlocks people’s hearts.  And maybe someday I will be a loving father to children of my own and share my stories with them to teach them about life.   

Shawn shared some of these ideas with his mama and she said, “Oh, Shawn, those are ALL wonderful ideas and all of them are possibilities!  How about doing all of them if you want!    What you think, you can believe, what you believe, you can create, what you create, you can do. Then you will bring all of your precious gifts to your family and friends, to your community, and to the world, universe and multiverse.  You might not know this, but your thoughts and words and actions don’t stop here on earth......they ripple out into the multiverse! Imagine your gifts of love and caring and healing and joy rolling in waves across the earth and multiverse! Like great ships on a sea of stars!   Have the courage to follow your dreams and all of us will be better for it- including you.  

But really.....the most important thing we all can do with our to create and promote and Be love. And you can do that in a million ways.  So, if you are a scientist or a musician or a writer or a teacher or a parent..... do it with love!” 

So, Shawn thought quietly about this and said, “Mama, but what if I don’t find something I love to do or what if I try to do something and I’m not good enough at doing it?”

“My dear Shawn, that is a good question too.” And his mama said, “It is important for you to consider what being successful is. And I mean your idea of success, not someone else’s idea of it.  Some people think it is important to be rewarded or paid or recognized by the world to be successful.  But I don’t think it is.  I feel it is important to share your gifts, wisdoms, passions, loves, perspectives with the world and you will make a positive difference!  We are all blessed with gifts.....share them!  And the most Infinite Being of all will see you share your gifts, even if no one else in your lifetime does. 

But his mama also said, “Sometimes, the fruits of our thoughts, words and actions may not be recognized for hundreds of years.  You just don’t know if someone, who you will never know, will be changed by your gifts,  hundreds of years from now!  Imagine that!  Isn’t that amazing?” Sometimes our purpose might not be known for many, many generations....even 7!   But don’t worry- if you follow your heart and share your gifts, wisdoms, passions, loves and perspectives with the world, all will be well.”

“Fill everything you do with Light and Love to fulfill  purpose      

 in          every  matter what you are doing.  

Even if you don’t think anyone notices your gifts and your light now

the fruits of you sharing your gifts with the world may be harvested by people perhaps hundreds of years in the future.  We can never know!  Do what you feel is right in your heart and we all will be blessed!”  

“Did you know that some amazing people were not known or recognized during their lives?   They shared their gifts knowing that was their passion and just kept of doing it.  Some very amazing scientists were not known while they were alive, like Galileo and Copernicus and Mendel and Kepler and they did not stop expanding thought. Some amazing artists like Monet and Gauguin and Van Gogh were not known while they were alive, but they never stopped  their creative painting. Some amazing authors like Dickinson and Kafka and Thoreau and Keats were not known while they lived, and they did not stop their insightful writing.  And some amazing musical composers like Johann Sebastian Bach and Schubert and Debussy were not known while they lived, and they never stopped their exceptional music. Our world would be so much less without their gifts they shared, even if it was not at the time of their lives. Creativity and gifts come in a million different packages and each one is needed and appreciated, even if it is appreciated by people hundreds of years from now.”

“See your purpose in every moment, in kindness and wisdom and honesty and love and patience and humility and compassion that we can practice during our earth life and you will pass that on to generations following you.  And of course, this is not just for you or your children and grandchildren but for all the earth. A beautiful world is the product of Love.  Now that......that is a purpose for us all to aspire to!”

“In your life, in every moment life, create and promote Love for all to see and feel,” said his mama- “that is our only true and real purpose- no matter what you do in your life.” 

And then she took Shawn’s hand, and they closed their eyes and imagined a world created from Love- 





and even 7 generations 

from that moment and forever. 

And because stories end with this......

The End........but I think it’s just the beginning