Story 7:

Hello? Are you there?

“Listen, my son...listen with all your heart and you will find the answers to all your questions. Listen to the wind, to the trees, to the stars, to your family, to your heart;  Listen to a wise and loving human, to the lessons of your ancestors, to your inner voice, to the voice of Holy One.  Answers can be found in many places. So, Shawn, a being of Love and Light, talked and listened to The Heart of all our Hearts and asked questions in the quest of remembering.”

Once upon a time, because that’s how all stories start,  there was a remarkable young child named Shawn.  One day he was on a walk in a wondrous forest on a beautiful mountain with his mama.  They saw so many astounding sights that day and they felt blessed and joyous and full of peace being in nature. Being in nature, in the mountains and forests, along rivers and streams, tend to inspire people like that. 

On that particularly miraculous day, they saw delicate ferns and soft fuzzy moss living in community with the trees, they saw snow fields on mountain tops which turned into water in rivers and tumbled down the hills to the fertile lands below; they saw giant ancient cedar trees whose branches reach to the heavens and are  home to many creatures and who’s roots reach deep into our sacred earth; they saw all sorts of animals: deer and hawk, salmon and chipmunks , eagle and dragonflies.  They saw rainbows and sunshine and clouds and felt the wind on their faces while it moved trees in a dance.......and so much more. Everywhere they looked, there was a splendid view of nature. 

On their walk, they traveled up and down hills and over rivers and streams and through ancient sacred forests and eventually they came to a huge boulder in a meadow that was surrounded by oak trees and they decided to sit for a while. The boulder was lovely, and Shawn and mama saw that surprisingly, it was shaped like a heart! It was white with strands of pink and green running like ribbons in it. Some of the ribbons of color formed what Shawn and Mama thought to be shapes and letters and symbols. It is lovely to let your imagination flow like that. The white, pink and green heart boulder looked like many had sat there before them and enjoyed the location-  walkers and fliers and crawlers, alike.  Shawn and mama sat in silence for a while appreciating the blessings around them. 

While they were sitting, mama said very quietly,  “Everything you see, my dear Shawn, is connected and is a part of our loving parent, Divine Holy Source.  And even what you don’t see is a part as well.

Like the air and the wind- 

and what is under the ground, like roots of the trees and molten magma- 

and things so very far away like galaxies, zillions of miles away- 

they and we all are, connected at our core. A part of 

Loving Divine Holy Source.”  

“Do you remember the story I told you about the Divine Spirit-Souls who ventured forth from the Womb of Divine Holy Source?  The origins of everything are in that loving womb and we are all still very much connected in that family.  All connected by Love. Love is the basic ingredient to the Multiverse, to our Divine Holy all that is.”

Shawn listened and thought about what mama said and after a while he looked at her with a question,  “How do you really know there is a Divine Holy Source, mama?” 

“Ah, my son, that is such a  good question and one that has been asked for a long, long time by multitudes of beings.  First of all, let me say that some people call this source God, some people name Her, Goddess, and others use many other names.  I call this this force, this energy, this Love, this Absolute Being, this Oneness, this Creator,  this Holy Divine Parent.........Divine Holy Source.”  

I will say, there are so many ways to feel and understand and know Divine Holy Source.  Knowing this energy or creative source or chi or Divinity or unifying force is a blessing. Some call the knowingness.... faith.  Some people call it... belief.  Some say that earthly prophets have written about this presence. And some people will say there is nothing.  I will say that it is up to each of us to discover our feeling about Divine Holy Source.”

“So........the answer to your question about if there is a Divine Source of All, is really within you, within each person and is unproveable! No one can prove their ideas and feelings about Divine Holy Source, and no one can disprove yours. I can tell you what I feel and the person that is me, goes beyond other people’s ideas or writings or convictions or dogma about Divine Holy Source. For me, I say that if you want to know if there is a Divine Holy Source.... then believe you can do this and connect and go straight to that source......all my yourself.  That’s can do that all by yourself! Our connection to the All that Is... never leaves us.”

“I believe, this is because, when we all resided in the infinite womb of creation, Divine Holy Source placed at the core of each one of us, a spark that always keeps us connected.  Always. Not matter what. Forever. Through thick and thin. Through troubles and doubts. She will always be with us.  So anytime you want to have a conversation,  just fire up that spark and Divine Holy Source, who Loves us all so very, very much will hear you and She will speak directly to you....... anytime.” 

Shawn felt the sacred place they were sitting at while listening to his mama.  “So.....would you like to know one way to speak to Divine Holy Source yourself, Shawn?”  

With love in his heart, he nodded yes.

“Ok then let me show you what I do...... which is just one of many ways.  When I want to speak to Divine Holy Source, I get really, really quiet inside and outside.  Then I open my heart and mind and soul to Love, without fear. Then I surrender to that moment and to Divine Holy Source. And then......I listen, I listen with my heart to the loving moment.” 

“And then the most wonderous blissful occurrence happens! I feel I am in a Loving sacred embrace of Divine Holy Source, who is our loving parent, the womb of all creation, the font of wisdom, joy, Love and compassion.

I feel in the presence and in Harmony with 

All that Is.”

“This experience, this feeling, this state of being will be different for all of us as we all are unique and amazing sparks of divinity.  This experience of peace and bliss is just one of the ways I know, without a shadow of a doubt, there is Divine Holy Source.  There are many other ways as each of us is unique and has a unique way of communicating. We all can do this as Divine Holy Source created us to be able to do this.  It may look and feel differently for each of us as we all are different, but everyone can do it.  You just have to find your own mode, your way, your connection, your creative link! Some people meditate, some people listen to beautiful music, some people walk in nature, some people create art and so, so, so, so, so, so many other ways. 

I will warn you that there are many people on earth who will tell you that being in direct connection with Divine Holy Source can’t be done....... but that they know the way.  They might say,  “Sure, I can do it but you?  It’s doubtful. And whatever your form of communication you are not quite right, or that you are making up your experience.”

 “Just smile to these people and extend Love and Compassion to them. Whatever method you is yours and Divine Holy Source’s alone. Sacred and beautiful. And perfect.” 

“When you feel this connection with divinity, there will be no doubt in your Heart as to the existence of Divine Holy Source.  You will Know.  This question about Divine Holy Source’s existence,  can only be answered by yourself. When you experience this ,you will know Her presence in your own special way.  You will then be able to answer the question about the existence of Divine Holy Loving Source all by yourself.  Until then, perhaps you can trust your mama and know that She Is as I know beyond any doubt,  beyond time and space, beyond this reality, beyond everything in this life.... that our Holy Parent, our Divine Holy Source IS and is a Loving Divine presence in our lives and a companion on our quest to remember who we are and our holy home.”

Then mama said,  “My dear son, this may seem like the beginning of your path of discovery of your own connection with Divine Holy Source, but you started long ago, when you were floating in my womb of Love. You just need to remember that you are a being of Light and Love.” 

“So, shall we go and say hello to Divine Source now,  while sitting on this sacred heart shaped boulder in the middle of the beauty of nature? 

Shall we surrender to the Love that Is,  the Love of Divine Holy Source?  

So, Shawn and Mama held hands and hearts and quietly connected to Love 

and Divine Holy Source.”

The End, as stories end like this,  but you know, that this is just the 



My dear, sweet, wonderful son Shawn. I hope you have enjoyed reading all these stories I told you in one way or another while you still let me tell you stories. And knowing how loved you are by your mama and by Divine Holy Source.  And I hope you enjoyed hearing the stories about your birthplace in the multiverse. And that You are a Being of Love, a Being of Light and at your core you are Divine.  

May all Beings know our real essence......Love. 

I will love you forever,
