Spiritual Archetype - The Magician


Linda Stern of The Convocation of the Divine Feminine
The Heroines’ Journey, Archetype of The Magician.

Good Morning- I’m Linda Stern.  Today I get to speak about The Magician! The Magician of transformations and Miracles.  

Please hold this question in your mind while I speak- As a Magician, what miracle would you bring forth or be for the world?

This internal, introspective, going within time of the year is perfect to consider that you.....have the strength, power and wisdom of The Magician to change your consciousness and to transform reality. And this season of Miracles- it is perfect to consider the Miracles you can create for yourself and the world. 

Some might say, wait a minute....... Magicians perform magic not miracles.   I happen to see the two words and concepts on a sliding scale or a continuum ......just separated by degrees or a limited definition.  Life is all relative and a matter of perspective.  Later I’m handing out a sheet of wonderful quotes about magic and miracles. You will see how the two words can be interchanged.  Try it…it is illuminating. 

So, who is the first Magician you think of?   Is it the looming one in Fantasia with his apprentice Mickey Mouse?  Or is it Merlin in the realm of Arthur?  Or the Magician as miracle worker such as Jesus or Buddha or Mother Teresa or Catherine of Sienna?  

My first thought of The Magician is as Holy Divine Source that lies deep inside of us all, as it lies deep inside the Cosmic Void;  a Void full of all Potential as the Womb of all Creation,  as the Womb of the Divine Feminine is full of All potential. Now....that is A Magician! Or is that a Miracle Worker? Or is it both?

The Magician archetype is one of the most powerful positions in each of us on our journey and in the Multiverse.  Magicians have often served as healers and advisors to The Ruler archetype.  The Magician in each of us can assist all the archetypes or parts of us to change our reality.  Magicians have been known as shamans, witches, sorcerers, healers, priests, or priestesses.  In times gone by,  it was thought that The Magician knew something that others did not. One of the concepts The Magician understood and believed and used is the link between above and below, seen and unseen, interior and exterior- and that we all are a Divine part of the Cosmos, part of the Multiverse. 

In today's culture The Magician might be known as healers, doctors, psychologists, intuits, spiritual light workers, spiritual leaders, consultants, or geniuses. 

In our world’s spiritual and religious history- the innovators that founded world religions such as Jesus, Buddha, Zarathustra, Baha’u’llah, Rishabhanatha, Moses and many, many others, known and unknown, performed functions as magicians and transformed consciousness, sometimes in the form of miracles. The Magician reminds us of our link with the Divine to save, love, heal, redeem, forgive. And perhaps forgiveness of ourselves and others is the most transformative power of all. 

So how does the Magician in all of us transform reality?  Who has that answer?  But it may be that The Magician sees the Divine or Sacred as a part of each of us. Not praying or connecting to something disconnected from or outside ourself but remembering that we all are Holy, Divine Sparks and a part of a Divine Whole. The Magician does not seek to find answers from someone else but goes within to access inner truths or opens to the voice of The Divine that comes within. 

As Magicians, we know and accept, that we are all connected to ALL there is. The little child in us may not want to accept this or might be frightened by this...... but look closely- and you will know that on some level everything is connected, that everything is Divine.  What we do as The Magician, is to try to make this knowledge conscious on all levels- with all the responsibility and miracles that it can bring. 

As an example, some shaman cultures see a person as a spider on a web that can connect to and send vibrations to any other point on the web.  I feel that web is connected to all parts of the Multiverse.  This can be translated to an invisible energy grid in our more techno subatomic physics hypnotized world. 

As Nicola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets to the universe, think energy, frequency & vibrations...... and everything is vibrations.” 

So how does The Magician miraculously build powers of transformation and change consciousness?  I feel it is by entering into an altered state of Being. You see me do this every month in this sacred space when I create and paint. This process started when I was very young, as it does with most children.....in lands of imagination and creativity. 

When I was young my mother used to say to me, “A penny for your thoughts, Linda” not knowing that at that moment there were no thoughts.  I would simply be using my body as a placeholder- a point to return to this reality. As a child this is natural and simple to do. I would be inside a cloud or a raindrop or flying with a bird or inside a color.  Some would say that was just my imagination.  Ok....if that’s the word you want to use- Imagination is a great method of entering into an altered state! Magicians acknowledge, revel in and are grateful for our part in the Cosmos and healthy positive Magicians use these beautiful, transformational gifts for the benefit of ALL and one of the ways to be in the state of The Magician, is to alter our state of Being, in whatever method you might use.

So......altered states and getting there- There are as many different methods to reach an altered state as there are Beings. But some of the more known ways are meditation, prayer, imagination, music, creativity, visualization, ritualized movement- all of which can take us to a deep altered state of Being to connect with the Divine.

When in an altered state we can see and feel our intuition and our connection with the Divine.  Know who you are as the Magician:  dream, visualize, meditate, pray......for yourself, your family, your community, your world, the universe, the multiverse and for The Divine.    

As a Magician in an altered state, you can acknowledge that you are indeed a beautiful shining part of The Divine and then listen to your direct wave of wisdom inside of you. You can trust that wisdom- your inner knowing will not deceive you.  Surrender to The Divine and then act on it.  Behave as The Magician. Believe as a Magician. The Universe will pay attention when this piece.....You!...tumbles into place. 

Know that what you do is for the highest and best not only for you but for the Whole. This reality, this perception, is a gift and a responsibility to accept. Accept that you can change consciousness, transform reality, and create miracles. 

The Magician is an Alchemist, transmuting base emotions into enlightened Gold.  The Magician acknowledges and uses ancient wisdoms such as: 

what is inside = what is outside, 

what is above = what is below,  

each of us is a mirror of the other, 

we attract to ourselves what we are.

And being Grateful to The Divine, to the Multiverse for Her gifts, is an important part of the formula. 

The Magician in all of us is already a Miracle.  So, as a miracle, BE the reality that you wish to see just like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Bodhisattvas, and divine beings have been.... and the person sitting right next to you! 

Some people might define Miracles as extraordinary events that surpasses all known human or natural powers and are ascribed to a supernatural cause.  But I propose that Miracles are around us at each moment- if we have eyes to see and ears to hear them. Everything is a miracle.  

“It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar.” Pablo Picasso

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”  Buddha

The Magician chooses to live beyond the ordinary and takes the opportunity to enter the realm of the miraculous with every choice that is made, as a practiced part of each day.  The Magician believes in infinite potential.  Being a miracle on your own spiritual path is transformational for the self and the whole, as we are all intimately connected.  The Magician remembers we can create miracles with every breath we take and with every beat of our hearts. 

So, the view of creating Miracles and Being a Magician, let us do the following Deepening today. Today, I would like to employ the highest and the best of The Magician and use information from Dr Michael Abrams book, Twelve Conditions of a Miracle.  Dr Abrams retranslated the Biblical account of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, from the original ancient Greek. There he discovered techniques for creating miracles for humans by changing state, positive thought, and visualization. Ah-ha……. signs of the Magician! 

So please close your eyes and take a moment to deepen into yourself as a Magician in conjunction with the other Magicians here and the Divine.  Let’s change our consciousness, transform our realities, and create a miracle of Peace.  As Magicians, let’s set our intent to have peace prevail on Earth for all her inhabitants, let peace prevail for the Universe and all her inhabitants and let peace prevail for the Multiverse and all her inhabitants. 

Let’s Begin. 

1. The first condition of a Miracle is Emptiness. So still your mind to enter an altered state to create this emptiness, this void. A void pulls energy toward it- the emptier the void — the more powerfully it pulls. Let Peace prevail on earth.

2. The second condition of a miracle is Alignment. Evaluate your actions and thoughts in terms of whether they harm or hinder peace in your life and the world. Adjust your life course so you are in alignment with Peace prevailing on earth.

3. The third condition of a miracle involves Asking. Know what you want, and how to ask for it, and the universe will fulfill your request with startling accuracy.  Ask for Peace inside yourself and the world so that peace may prevail on earth.

4. The fourth condition involves Maximizing. Expansion of what already exists, not materializing something from nothing is important. Peace exists in the world, let’s just expand it, expand it starting with us so that peace will prevail on earth.

5. The fifth condition involves Giving. The act of giving relieves congestion.  Give peace, give peace, give peace so that peace may prevail on earth. 

6. The sixth condition involves Grounding. If a circuit is not grounded, current can’t flow through it. Ground yourself with the earth and let the power flow through you.  Feel Peace, Believe Peace. Be Peace so that Peace prevails on Earth.

7. The seventh condition involves Seeing or Visualizing. See the desired end clearly and it will be reached. It is an important part of our purpose as human beings to learn how to see the highest and best. Don’t deny the opposite – just don’t take it in. See Peace Prevail on earth in all forms. 

8. The eighth condition is Gratitude. When a human being is in a state of true gratitude, the fabric of time and space is favorably altered. Those who use precious energy with appropriate gratitude are invariably rewarded. Conversely, if you don't use your gifts or don’t appreciate them, you can expect to lose them. Be grateful for Peace Prevailing on Earth.  

9. The ninth condition involves Acting as If.  Act as if the miracle has already occurred. Jesus didn't wait for the bread and fish to multiply — he began to feed the people with what he had. The universe funnels its energy into the lives of those who act, those who work, those who make an effort to actually get things accomplished. Act as if Peace is Earth.

10. The tenth condition involves Engaging the Cycle. Every enlightened person in history has tried to tell us that we receive as we give. What goes around comes around- give love to receive love. Give Light to receive Light. Give peace to receive peace. May Peace Prevail on Earth.

11. The eleventh condition is Receiving. Be totally open to what is going to happen…. surrender. Be ready and willing to accept the flow that comes towards us and enjoy it and be totally conscious of it when it comes. Surrender to Peace prevailing on Earth.

12. The twelfth and final condition is Recycling. What happens after the miracle has manifested is just as important as what happens before. The flow of energy must not be abandoned once the miracle becomes reality.  Be a part of giving and making a miracle happen for someone or something else. Be a Miracle. Be Peace- Give Peace so that Peace Prevails on Earth.

Now- please bring your consciousness back to this sacred space and open your eyes.  Know the Peace in you, on Earth and throughout the Multiverse.

We reach this phase of The Magician after many stages have been experienced, after work has been done and wisdom has been remembered.  What we do with this Wisdom and Compassion and Love, is up to each of us.  I know that in our community, we all have the capacity to be Miracle Workers for ourselves, for the world and for Divine Truth.  Let us all Be Powerful Positive Magicians creating Miracles for our world, our Universe, our Multiverse. 

So back to my earlier question as I began speaking: As The Magician, what miracle would you bring forth or Be for the world? 

Some Wonderful Quotes about Miracles & Magic

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story, which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” C. S. Lewis 

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” 

Arthur C. Clarke 

“Miracles happen every day. Change your perception of what a miracle is, and you'll see them all around you.” Jon Bon Jovi 

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”  Wolfgang Von Goethe

“Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.”  C.S. Lewis

“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”  Eden Phillpotts

“Seeing, hearing, feeling, are all miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.” Walt Whitman 

“Evolvement can be learned by starting to see the magic in everything. Sometimes it seems to be hiding but it is always there. The more we can see the magic in one thing, a tiny flower, a mango, someone we love, then the more we see the magic in everything and in everyone. Where does the mango stop, and the sky begin?” Joshua Kadison

“Could a greater miracle take place than to look through each other’s eyes for an instant.”  Henry David Thoreau

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir the blood and probably will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.”  Daniel Burnham

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”   St Augustine

“Miracles are natural. When they do not occur, something has gone wrong.” Unknown

“I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see.” Peggy Noonan

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

“Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar.” Pablo Picasso

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” Buddha

“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” Thich Nhat Hanh

“As we become purer channels for God's light, we develop an appetite for the sweetness that is possible in this world. A miracle worker is not geared toward fighting the world that is, but toward creating the world that could be.”  Marianne Williamson

“You could actually be involved in a series of events and quite easily dismiss it as “luck”, “fluke”, “chance happenings” or “twist of fate.”  Or.... you could see it as a Miracle and perhaps feel God’s hand at work.  And the remarkable thing is that once you have opened your eyes wide enough to see with your heart, they just come. Miracles found in answers that you were seeking, solutions to challenges, unexpected help, newfound friendships and closing the gap between families and loved ones.  Suddenly, your world is illuminated with Light, and you gasp with awe for everywhere miracles after miracles abound!  Miracles are not just big ones but little, tiny, small ones. Yet the greatest blessing comes from the knowing that all is well along with the feelings of love, hope, joy and peace.” Unknown


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