Spiritual Activism


Let your Heart Be Open 
to Travel the World on Wings 
of Loving and Compassionate Grace: 

Or my Life as an Energetic Activist.

Isn’t it fascinating how a voice can be so captivating? Of course, it is never the voice alone; it is eternal Divine energy that is utilizing a particular voice to transmit vibrations into this energy field. The energetic vibration can be powerful, and intriguing and invigorating!

Good morning to you all! Welcome to our sweet community that honors each of our concepts and paths to the Divine. One of the reasons people stand here- where I am just now…. is to share from their hearts and minds about some aspect of our spiritual experience in this reality. And hopefully some part of that will resonate with some of you, this moment. 

This years’ spiritual discernment at ICS are the Principles of Spiritual Activism proposed by Will Keepin and the leaders in Satyana's Leading with Spirit program. At first glance, speaking about anything related to these years AND this months’ theme was a challenge to me. And perfect at the same time. I wondered, what even small kernel, did I have to share with you on this particular subject. This subject has been an experience from the moment I read them to now and I want to share my journey with you- knowing that we all have a lot more in common than not and perhaps, just perhaps, what I speak about will resonate with you.  BUT even if it doesn’t, as Maya Angelou said, “A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”  So please, come float the river together with me.

Speaking about anything related to activism has been a challenge because personally, I have always steered away from any kind of activism.  AND….as it turns out, the authors of the Principles of Spiritual Activism, felt similarly as they wrote, “activism generally runs on fear and anger, saps energy and can become adversarial and destructive.”  Ahhh aaaa- that is how I feel!  So, the authors redefined activism into something constructive to bring the inner workings of the heart -using spiritual practices and principles- into the outer work of humanitarian service.

After discovering this, I felt I could speak today about activism. But only activism that comes from the heart that is compassionate, positive, kind, and transformative- and for me, one more little thing- I need for it to be on an energetic level.  BE energetically and physically what you want to see in the world- you don’t have to preach or moralize or promote what you are doing. Just BE this concept; if others come along, that’s nice, if not- at least you are living your truth.

So, after feeling settled about the yearly discernment, I moved on to the Spiritual Activist principle for this month- it is, and I read:  “Do not insulate yourself from the pain of the world. Shielding ourselves from heartbreak prevents transformation. Let your heart break open and learn to move in the world with that broken heart. When you open yourselves to the pain of the world, you become the medicine that heals the world. A broken heart becomes an open heart, and genuine transformation begins.”

After reading this, I thought....great, just great…the wording of this one appears to not resonate with me at all, whereas all the rest of the monthly principles do.  But I find that many times, I am urged by the Multiverse, to expand my outlook so this must be a part of that. Trust and Surrender, I remind myself. I understand where they were heading with this statement and granted, these words are symbolic, but words carry great energy and intent with them. 

But, I thought, the authors of the Principles rewrote their definition of activism so perhaps I can do the same for this months’ principle? Yes, I can! 

But let me be clear - does pain, fear, hate, and heartache exist in the world and in all of us at times?  Yes.  Do these states of being all find us all from time to time?  Definitely.  And does the Phoenix rise from the ashes of the dregs? Absolutely.

But……summoning these states of being, these emotions in language and intent are not, in my way of seeing, the only way or the most functional way to be the medicine that heals the world. Ram Dass has said:  "The world is a reflection of our internal state- if we dwell on the turmoil, anger, fear, and heartache, then that is how the world will be perceived."

Living in our world today, it would be difficult, if not impossible to be oblivious to the pain, the hate, and the fear that our world and Her sentient Beings are subjected to. The news bombards us every day… if you read or watch the news. But then whose form of reality are you getting?  Whose lens?  And what really is the truth?  There are those who sell fear and pain and hate on every level to attempt to put us into a deeper state of.... fear and pain and hate. But that is a story for another day. Regardless of where our information comes from, exterior or interior, there are events and places in the world that reek of pain and fear and heartache and hate.

In our world there is dark and light, there is pain and compassion, there is fear and there is Love. To which do you return when affronted by the pain we are exposed to in our world?  Which reaction is more functional for you?  For our world?  Is it pain?  Is it heartbreak?

Or is it Open Hearted Love and Compassion pouring into the All……. even when affronted by the worst of the worst. Is it difficult?  YES! But this is different than being a broken heart or being the pain of the world.  It takes great strength to be in the world but not of it.

If we are to help heal the world, we need to remember that this is a sacred place. Our actions need to be positive statements, reminders that even in the worst times there is a world worth struggling for. We need to find ways to keep the vision alive, to acknowledge but not get caught in the dark, to remember that even the worst aspects of suffering are only part of the whole picture.

We don’t want to ignore another’s pain or our pain. But becoming brokenhearted or angry doesn’t relieve it and may increase it. The delicate balance is in allowing ourselves to feel the pain, to be sad or angry or hurt by it, but not be so weighted down by it that we are unable to act to relieve it. And that takes extraordinary energetic strength. Extraordinary.

Light and Dark exist in the Universe and in each of us, a polarity to keep us charged but we need to keep it in balance to be a positive force in the world. We can’t ignore the dark or adopt an illusion that it does not exist in life and us.  But to summon pain and suffering in language or intent?  As we know…. what you attend to, you become....so, choose your intentions and words and actions carefully.  If you welcome heartbreak, you become heartbreak. Conversely, if you welcome Love, you become Love.

Being aware and acknowledging the pain and fear in the world with an open heart is part of what we can do to be compassionate or empathic or caring and loving in our reality.  So, witness the pain and fear and sit with it and watch it change and come and go; don’t deny it.  Transform it with the Light and Love and Compassion of your awareness.

While some souls are able to live with and in the Dark and not be affected like Mother Teresa or Archangel Michael- most do not have the energetic strength to do that.  It might simply turn one into that pain or fear or take us into a compromised energetic position.  And that does not further any humanitarian cause or energy state.

So, I am saying be aware of the pain and fear and hate but do not let the pain break your heart.  Be aware so that you are the Light that balances the Dark that transmutes it into Love.  Be the Love Medicine that heals the world.  Be in the world but not of it.

Words carry energy with them and being aware of what we are feeling and saying about our sacred shared life experience here on Earth, in our universe, in our multiverse is important.  Some people would say, oh…they're just words but for my way of knowing- that’s not so.  Energy.... thoughts.... words.... physical manifestation.....

I'm not saying to over correct and throw the baby out with the bath water.  Just don't seek heartbreak by using words that summon it- believe me- it’s going to find you anyway at some point or another in your journey.  So, feeling this way about words and energy and intent, I have rewritten this month’s principle, which I will share later.

In my life, I have let my heart be open to travel the world on the wings of Loving and Compassionate Grace in being a Spiritual Energetic Activist.  By doing that, I have experienced pain and fear and hate--- both on the physical plane and in the energetic fields- it is some of my earliest memories. 

For most of my life, as soon as I am aware of some place or form in nature or person or situation that is in pain, or in fear or inundated with hate, I become a conduit of energy in the form of Light and Love and Compassion and transmit this energy to the specific event/ place/ person/ being, for use…. if that is the highest and best outcome for all. I have no attachment to the outcome: how could I possibly know the best outcome for anyone or anything, but I know that a higher wisdom does and will take care of it.  By doing this, I can do my part to be of service in the moment.

As Energetic Activists, we can witness the pain and fear and sit with it and watch it change and come and go. Pain and fear can be transformed in the light of awareness.......without becoming the pain. Those experiences and base emotions will come at times, no matter what we do but try to keep your heart open and powerful and centered.... not broken so that you can strongly Be in the world to be of service.  Be in the world but not of it.  Energetically, being pain or fear or heartache increases pain and fear and heartache in the Multiverse, and I don’t think this is what we are called on to do.  I know it's not what I am called on to do.

So, I suppose I am an activist- a Spiritual Activist- an Energetic Spiritual Activist- we all have our own methods of being of service.  I actually practice the steps in this year’s platform- just not on a physical level; I do my service on energetic levels.  And even if I do not know of anything specific, there are energetic actions that I and we all can do, for our Earth, our universe, our multiverse, to contribute to healing. You can do the same.

For instance, if you look at the 13 spiritual activist principles ….and now I feel comfortable with all 13 because I have rewritten this month’s principle…. you can do them all on energetic levels. So, let’s take a look at a few and you will see what I mean. And these few are rewritten with my spin on them. 

For instance, there is:

#8. Our work is not for ourselves- it is for the world, and I add… the Universe and Multiverse. Whenever you are able, sending healing energies into the World and the Multiverse is a wonderful service. You may never see the results but know that this healing energy is felt and appreciated by All.

And #12.  Embrace Faith and let go of knowing “The Way”. This is truly energetic in its form as it is trusting in Divine Source and being an energetic vehicle for the good of the cosmos.

And #13. This is probably my favorite- Love creates the Form.  I believe that we are to Be Love in the Multiverse. The Love of the Multiverse is the Love of your heart and operates in ways our mind cannot understand. So, let your heart’s love infuse all that you do, all that you are, and be a magnifier or a conduit for the Love to come to every segment of existence.

I am an Energetic Activist in service to Holy Source, whenever it is needed, at the drop of a hat. When I walk down a street, when I sit on a park bench, when I make dinner, when I am driving, when I am challenged by hate and fear and heartache, when I was writing this talk. I feel strongly about this.

As an Energetic Spiritual Activist, I have rewritten the Principle for this month, which I now call:  

“Be the Love Medicine that Heals the World.”

I feel this sentence and the following rewritten Principle, sends a healing energy to the world and multiverse that I want to share with you. The words are in your program. Please help me by sending healing and loving energy into the world for the relief of pain and suffering, for the relief of hate and fear, and for Love to enter all, starting with our own hearts.  At the end of each line please send the energy of love and peace into your heart and into the world and into the universe and into the Multiverse.

Let your open-heart travel in the world. Life gifts us with opportunities and challenges for transformation; embrace them!  Let your open-heart travel in the world on the wings of Love and Compassion. A loving and open heart touched by the pain in the world can expand and transform that pain into Love. Be aware of the pain in the world and Be the energy that heals and transforms it from dark to light, from fear to love on your journey of transformation. And.......In this moment, Be the Love Medicine that heals the world.

Blessings and thank you.


Our desire to serve our Holy Source can create the means for you to do so in your life. So together in this moment, let’s put forth our efforts to return to wholeness.

In this moment of Being, with our hearts wide open, please join me in a visioning to be a part of an energy web to raise the frequency of the world and to bring healing and Love to every segment of the Multiverse.

So please get comfortable and relax and find your center- feel your breath and your heartbeat. Feel the heartbeat of the Universe, feel the heartbeat of the Multiverse.  Find yourself, your true self, your higher self. Ahhhhh, there you are!

Now let your true higher self, float above our earth. Isn’t she beautiful? Now move out from right above the earth to the point that you can see the whole earth in her beauty. Can you feel the pulsing Love from Earth?

When I do this, I am aware of many other healing energies who are doing the same thing-as we all become a part of a web of healing, a web of energy.  We are all connected in our intent for bringing healing light and Love to our earth and all her beings.

The light emanating from each of us forms a geometric pattern that connects us and appears between us.

Staying in this position, we are a part of something that vibrates and hums and is healing for our earth, in every part, in every form. Moving forward, you will feel a connection to this position to be able to find your way back here.

Then, if you feel called and comfortable come with me again. We will move out quickly and we move out past our galaxy- you can see our Milky Way galaxy from whatever perspective you find yourself. Isn’t she beautiful?  Again, we stay in this position and are a part of an energy network of Light and Love.  Be a part of the radiant Love that is the energy of the Multiverse.  And yes, again, it is a part of a geometric pattern but at this point, it may be too large to see but you can feel it.

Now, if you feel comfortable and called, come with me again. Let yourself go to another location in our Multiverse. We will be able to get home- you have left a trace. Now find yourself in this location, by whatever method you choose- Wormhole, instant transporting, however you call it, and it may have no name for this but find yourself at a far distance- perhaps this location is your true home. Now again, send Light and Love to All in a part of an energy network, the energy web that you now are.  Just BE in this place. Just Be.

Now it is time to return so come back from the other location to our universe, now come back to our galaxy and find yourself at the Milky Way and stabilize.  Now come back to above our earth and again stabilize. See your brothers and sisters Being Light and Love.  Now find yourself back here in our sacred space at Interfaith and feel the bench beneath you. Feel the healing energy that you are, in every moment of every day and give thanks.  

Thank you and Blessings.


Honoring Women


Alchemical Fire of Transformation