Spiritual Archetype - The Innocent


Linda Stern of the Convocation of the Divine Feminine
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
Spiritual Archetypes: The Innocent

Welcome to the Convocation of the Devine Feminine, a gathering that celebrates the Divine Feminine that resides in us all. In our gatherings, we hope to bring about a healthy balance to ourselves and our world.   May your heart, body and soul be immersed in the Divine fragrance of Holy Mother today. The opening prayer is by Anne Hillman who speaks of The Innocent and The Child in all of us.

“We are all on a journey together-

To the center of the universe

Look Deeply Into yourself, and into another.

It is to a center that is everywhere-

That is the holy journey.

Notice and honor the radiance of everything about you

Play in this universe, 

Tend all the shining innocence found everywhere- 

The smallest plant, the creatures, the objects in your care, 

And the smallest part of you

Be gentle: 

Listen as we experience and accept 

All that we really are 

Begin to embrace each other

and learn to live as one among many”

As you can see, the painting that is with us today in the Sanctuary, of the Spiritual Archetype, is progressing and the area from last service is done which contains the symbols and spirit of The Fool, last month’s focus.   Today as I enter the creative state of Being thru prayer and meditation and connect with the energy of the gathering - I will be focusing on bringing forth the energies of The Innocent.

Last year the Convocation of the Divine Feminine,  explored the Heroine’s Journey and how we can transform the world with our gifts. This year we are deepening our journey in an adventure with our inner guides: 12 of the Universal Spiritual Archetypes that exist in the collective unconscious and each of us.  Exploring these archetypes thru our gatherings and our inner work is one of the ways to travel this journey - looking both at the Light and Dark side of each archetype. The Universal Spiritual Archetypes can be a full partner in our life’s journey using the energies and qualities of each to bring fullness to our lives.

Today we are focusing on The Innocent, in its light and dark form seeing what being aware of the aspects can bring us. How in its purest form the Innocent might be the highest form of Being but at its’ darkest form, how it can poison itself and in the web of life, all around it. 

There is pure strength in The Innocent’s faith and belief – even when life is at its worst. One of the powerful beliefs of the Innocent, allow Miracles to occur. So, lets embark today on a miraculous journey with The Innocent to discover a childlike attitude of Life.  

This year we are including a healing circle within our services. We will begin this ritual with chanting some of the universal names of Holy Mother. 

Ma- Amma-Ana is a chant I wrote connecting us to our Holy Mother.

The first sound is: 

Ma- the universal sound of Mother 

Amma- the name of mother in Basque and in several languages in India 

Ana- the name of mother in Turkish and Zerti. 

I will start the chant so you can hear and feel its energy and vibration. 

Part of us will keep these tones and notes as the under chant and then some might want to harmonize, if you’d like.  You can move from one to the other as called by Holy Mother and Spirit.  When this creates a healing energy, feel free to say out loud the name or names that you want to include in the healing ritual or do this with your inner voice.  We will end with a little more of the chant to bring Healing to the named and unnamed, the known and the unknown and to the Multiverse.

Here is a Prayer by May Rowland called Child of Light.

Child of Light, I bless you. 

I think of you. 

I pray for you.

Not in terms of what I think you need or 

what I think you should do or be or express. 

I lift up my thoughts about you. 

I see you as you truly are: 

a holy child of light. 

I see you guided and directed 

by an inward spirit that leads 

you unerringly into paths 

that are just right for you. 

I see you strong and whole. 

I see you blessed and prospered. 

I see you courageous and confident. 

I see you capable and successful. 

I see you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. 

I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are. 

Child of Light, I bless you.

Blessing of the Purity of the Innocent to You.


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