Union and Separation with Divine Source


Union and separation are interesting concepts, aren’t they?  For me, they co-exist and are in relationship with each other but do not define each other.  No more than the radiance and joy of life is defined by death.  

Or laughter is defined by tears….

or Love defined by hate. 

In our human experience, we might be physically separated from Divinity maybe but always and forever our true essential self- is in union with Spirit, with Divinity, with Oneness.  

As I am an artist, I Am a visual person. So, I can see the concept of unity and separation on a mobius strip, co-existing; both present at the same time… sometimes one reality is closer.... then it’s more obscure. It may look like there are two surfaces, it may look like there are 2 realities of unity and separation but there is only one surface, only one reality. Only Unity.   Separation...is the illusion. 

Here is wisdom from Eckhart Tolle: “In the stillness of your presence; you can feel your own formless and timeless reality.  Look beyond the illusion of separation, to the realization of oneness.”

Eckhart Tolle teaches a simple but profound truth: you are not separate, and you are never alone.  Just as a sunbeam is an emanation of the sun, you, and everyone you know come from the same basic source and are still connected at the deepest level.

So, I’d like to ask you......when you are in divine connection and communion, in your stillness of presence; do you feel in union with the Divine?  I know and feel that my Love-filled eternal part is always in union with the Divine- never separate.  This is something I know, not something I believe in or something I have faith in- those are different concepts…. but something I know.  It does not waiver, it is a constant and always has been.  I came in this way- it is not a product of conditioning or of religious education or reading or experience...it is cellular.  

I believe we ALL came in this way but that somehow on the road of life, this knowingness has become obscure for some. 

My eternal essence… or whatever you want to call that…. knows that  

I Am One with the Divine, in unity with the Divine.  There’s no separation.  The sweetness of that sublime state of Being perfumes my life, my every experience; my every breath, nothing can touch that. 

It gives me strength, it is the Light in the dark, it is Joy, it is Love, it is the All.  Just as I am, right now: warts and all, just as you are right now. 

Why is it that some people think there is always something more to do to “get” there?  Something more in the way of a sacred connection, something deeper, something more Divine…. after I do this or read that or touch this or go there? 

When union is right here, right now.  Right now, in this precious moment, if our minds and thinking would just get out of the way of our hearts and our internal Divine connection and surrender to the Love that is the Divine~ right now. Right Now. 

Our eternal, essential Being is in Union with the Divine right now- perhaps as deep and as holy as it ever will be.  It is just that the recognition of this state of being might be buried under so much acculturation or conditioning or doubt or hate or fear. So much that a person doesn’t feel the embrace of the Divine. 

As you can see, I don’t agree with “separation from the divine” but how can I share this knowing with you?  

As I am not the author of your poem of life and you are not the author of mine, I can only share and ask you to consider these ideas and then to look inside to your creative wisdom, your truth, your Divinity. To feel your union with the Divine- where we are all loved beyond words or description, right now in this moment, whilst in this body form, in this lifetime.  Right Now. 

As most of you know, many times I speak from the perspective of Divine Feminine Divinity.  So how does the Divine Feminine whisper hints of how we might be perhaps separate physically…...maybe…..and yet always and eternally be in union with the Divine?  Well, there are so many ways She whispers the clues. One of the ways She shares about unity and separation is with the experience of birth, which we all, as humans have had a part in.   

At one time, we were one and yet two forms, 
at one time we were one yet two expressions of the Divine, 
at one time we were one experience of creation 
and yet two songs of Love sung in a duet.  

Birthing is not only biological; it is also a highly spiritual experience. As parent or a child, we are both separate yet unified, with the bond never energetically broken between parent and child, lover and loved, creator and created.  Just as our bond and unity is never broken with our Divine Holy Parent, our Source.  We may be separated physically...maybe...but we are always in a union with the All, the Divine, with Love.

For those of you who have had the experience of birthing a child: 
of being in union with another soul inside your body- 
remember the feeling of love and connection 
and sanctity 
and divinity 
and unity while the baby resided with of you.  
And do you also remember: 
the feelings of the deepness of the mysteries of that process? 
and the patience it took to complete the cycle? 
We as mothers and fathers and children are blessed to experience 
all this and more just as our Loving Holy Parent loves and births us. As above, so below.

So……at some point, I knew, as all birthing mothers know, that the physical separation of our two beings was coming.  At some point, both mother and child desire this separation and even yearn for it.  And yet in a strange contrast to yearning for the birth, I wanted to stop time and hold us together.  And I would whisper, “Stay with me, my love, my child, my vision of The One.”

But soon enough.......the day comes when the baby, needs to find her own way in the world so she can see and experience everything in the world, in the universe, in the multiverse! 

In the same way…...Divine Holy Parent holds us close in union and then lovingly births us….so we can experience the All, always connected in Love, always connected in Oneness. 

As every mother knows, although we are physically separate from our children, we are still in union with them: no matter the age, no matter the distance, no matter the lifetime, our children will always be connected, in union with us, with the Oneness, with Love.  So, Unity and Separation 

co-exist with this example, just as with our Divine Holy Loving Parent, loved beyond description, forever held energetically in the arms of Love. 

So, I want to share another expression of union and separation that 

co-exists with creative experiences.  Creative experiences such as art, poetry, music, movement or however your imagination and creativity show itself with you. As most of you know, I am an artist. And although it may be hard to accept, the canvases that I have birthed in my long career are to me like children, birthed from my soul, in an expression of love and creativity, both of us in a union of Love:  an expression of Love living both on the canvas and in my heart, in union.

My creative experience starts in prayer and meditation 

and then a seed of an idea arrives - from spirit or from me

and then we co-create in a union of ecstasy.

The visions whirl around in a cosmic womb of

options and outcomes…. colliding and then dancing then blending

until there is a Big Bang of a creation!

The visions once living inside of me are now a beautiful expression of love on a canvas, full of its own state of being, its own energy….out here. Yet we are one, in a creative expression, a union of Love. A work of art lives in unity with its creator, like the union of a mother and child, like union of the Divine and us. 

A creative expression is just a different kind of birth

in union with its creator.

A painter and her canvas,

a poet and her poem,

a dancer and her dance,

a musician and her music.

A mother birthing her child,

Divinity birthing us-

Birthed from Love into Love always in Union of Oneness.

We do not need to abandon the world to be in unity with The Divine. We can connect to Divinity anywhere, doing anything.  We can walk life in an urban setting or in the beauty of nature, in the arms of a lover or in a life of solitude, no matter where, there is only holiness, there is only unity, 

there is only The Divine.  There is only Unity and One.

I want to end with a reminder of Eckhart Tolle’s thoughts: 

“In the stillness of your presence; you can feel your own formless and timeless reality.  Look beyond the illusion of separation, 

to the realization of oneness.”

Thank You.


And now I’d like to ask you to accompany me on a journey of birth. 

Please get comfortable and close your eyes. 

Breathe in and breathe out with a feeling of love and contentment in your inner world of creative oneness. 

Now please find yourself in a grassy meadow,

surrounded by large trees, trees of your choice. Are they oak, cedar, willow, birch? Trees that you know and love and love you. You are breathing in relationship and union with the trees.

The wind is gently blowing in the leaves, the birds are singing to each other, there is the smell of sweet grass in the air.  The sky above is a crisp blue with billowy white clouds floating in the sky, the kind of clouds that your imagination makes into butterflies and prancing horses and castles.  

It is early autumn, just as it is now, just a little past the Equinox, just as it is now. A perfect time for harvesting your full potential, turning inside, and birthing a creation, in unity with the oneness. You are lying on a soft blanket, and you are comfortable, and all is at peace.

You are aware that within of you, there are seeds of potential and imagination and creativity- that you are pregnant with the fullness of creation.  That you are in unity with the potential of the All.  What creation will you fill….with all your love and potential and…   birth into the world?   A poem filled with your love?      A painting of connection with the Divine?    A piece of music that will fill our hearts?  A child?  A healing?  A sacred moment? Yourself?

You feel the time is coming close, the time of the birth of a new creation. Your new creation. You are eager for your creation to fly into being but reluctant to separate from her. But then you remember- there is no separation!  You will always be connected with the energy of Love.  It is time for your creation, your idea, your child to be born.  

So, you give one giant .....sigh.... and your creation comes into being- separate and yet always connected to you, in a unity of love. 

You are surrounded by other creations that you have birthed. You realize that once they exist within you, they will never be separated from you.  And that the love that created them, created you, just as we are in union with the Love of the Divine.

With this feeling, you sit up on the blanket in the meadow with your creations, with gratitude in your heart. 

You then bring your awareness back here to the sanctuary 

in the full knowingness that you are~

In oneness and union with your Creations,

In oneness and union with Love,

In oneness and union with the Divine.


Ecstasy & Spirituality