Becoming Light out of Darkness


Linda Stern and The Convocation of the Divine Feminine
Cycles of Being
Becoming Light out of Darkness.
December 2006

In the previous cycle of the Divine Feminine Convocation, we spoke about decay and death. Burning away the dross, removing what is no longer of service to the whole and then transmuting what is left; rebirthing that into new definitions of Being.  So, we arrive here in December to a place of rebirthing the Light from the Darkness. Becoming the Light or in my way knowing.... remembering that we Are the Light.  

From my perspective of Ancient Mysteries, the evolution of each being is assisted by going through a series of steps that lead into a mysterious darkness, the ultimate container, the wellspring of creation.  Going within, inside to the darkness, to the container of All that Is; of all information, of all potential.  From the perspective of the Divine Feminine within Ancient Mysteries, this is the Womb of the Holy Mother, the beginning of Eternal Creation. In Ancient Mysteries, and mystical faith traditions, the amount of learning lovingly given out in encounters emersed in Darkness, were appropriate to the level of that traveler, that being, with her best outcome in mind. 

In the initiate level of one mystery school, the individual learned through personal experiences. With this ancient philosophy, life was peppered with rebirths: the going within moments, the facing our darkness moments, the learning our next best step reacquaint ourselves with what?  In my sense of knowing, it was about the remembering of our Immortal Light. In the mysteries, an initiate passed through the doorway of death, experienced the darkness there, became Light and returned. The individual then knew the truth of immortality, the truth of her Light, because she had lived through it coming out of Darkness into the Light. And she came back to share her Light, not to hide it.

In one ceremony of rebirth becoming light out of darkness; a candidate for initiation, having fasted and meditated properly, would take her place upon an altar, which was like a table in the form of the Roman numeral X.  There, 12 priests, each attired in the robe of their degree, wearing headgear of their position, would begin to chant. This chant - would create a resonance amplified by the stone of the chamber, which would facilitate the candidate's journey inward to higher planes of vibration. She would pass through a doorway to the abyss of darkness to experience the fullness of potential, burning off elements no longer needed or wanted. She would then transmute herself into a new state of Being. She would then be able to remember our original Light of Immortality to Illuminate the darkness for herself and others.

There are many stages and ways of unfolding the Flower of Light, our Flower of Light, each petal unfolding a little at a time, each at the proper time.  In the Ancient Mystery traditions, ceremonies go within to the deepest and fullest point for that particular being, to first die unto oneself... sometimes literally.  To experience the fullness of totality of a different reality, a different vibrational space.  Where we are confronted with the potential of all that we may become. Or again in my way of knowing, to realized and believe 110% ........what we already and truly are, immortal, eternal, Loving Beings.  

 Sometimes in our darkness, perhaps our secret fear is that we have not lived fully the Love we have received in our hearts. The Love and Light that we are to share with the whole of creation. For the gift of Love that resides in us, that is given to each and every one of us, is to be shared and therefore magnified for the Multiverse.

But.... in the presence of Darkness, in the presence of The Void, in the presence of The All, we glimpse the presence of the Holy Mother, the Light and Love of the Multiverse and we turn slowly to its warmth.  Our heart is then tied again with our voice and our intent, and we once again, step on our path to our evolution. We become a brighter Light than before, having moved through illusions, having burned away the dross in the velvety smooth Loving Darkness.   To remember we are the Light, to remember we are the Love. And then to share it with All.


Death and Decay


The Void, The Divine Holy Womb