The Void, The Divine Holy Womb


October, 2005 CDF The Void:  The Divine Holy Womb

Good Morning and welcome, I’m Linda Stern.  

The Divine Holy Space, called many different names across time, is eternal.  It is the soul of the One Infinite Spirit that is the mystical root of all matter of the Multiverse. This Holy Divine Space is without dimension, without time and is self-existent. Some have called this space, The Void and have thought it to be empty. But even Science now tells us that the Cosmic Void is full of small, subatomic matter or Dark Matter. It is full, it is connected, it is potential. 

The Holy Space holds all light, all dark and the seeds to all possibilities ......all part of The One.  Imagine a time of wholeness.... when there was no duality, no feminine nor masculine aspects, a time before time, before the cosmos, before the Multiverse, before the heavens and before the worlds, a time that was and was not, in a space that was and was not – that contained everything as well as nothing. All potential, all possibilities, all Light, all Dark, existing together as cells of a whole. 


The Holy Space before the Outbreath is the All, is Completeness, is Perfection, is the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.  It is also the zero point, and The Void.  In many cosmologies, and spiritual traditions this Holy Space, this Holy Womb, is at the core.  This Void, this space before the Outbreath, is thought of as the mysterious Source of all life, the ultimate container, the wellspring of creation, the ultimate womb. And as the Holy Womb; the Sacred Feminine.  This Holy Womb, this Infinite Void, has always been seen as incomprehensible and indefinable yet I feel it is the ultimate loving home to All that Is. 

I feel that The Void is the residence of all; both Light and Dark aspects of The One in balance.  These aspects exist together.  In current cultures we have created the separation, the duality and then take only the bits we like, that we deem worthy; ignoring the rest.   Interestingly, for the ancients there was beauty and magnificence in white; the bright, the visible. But the power was in the black.  And both were acknowledged as needed and valued. Nowadays black has become synonymous with the less acceptable - polarizing it, making it not Light and thus evil.  In the East, however, black is said to represent the pure energy of formlessness, the void whence all manifestation arises.  Black is the mystery, where everything is still possible.

The Holy Space before The Outbreath, before form, has appeared in history in many presentations.  For instance, Tokpela, the Hopi’s First World and Endless Space is The Wholeness, The All, The One, The Holy Eternal Parent.  

This holding of all that is, has been thought of as a feminine aspect of The Holy One, similar to when a human female forms holds a child within.  As above, so below, one of the most universal of concepts.  Holy secret wisdom is embodied by the Divine Feminine aspect.   This secret wisdom was called Sophia by the Gnostics, Shekinah or Sephirah by the Jews, Sarasvati by the Hindus, and Holy Spirit by early Christians.  She is the feminine face of Holy Creator, but she is more than that. She is the mother of life itself, the sacred container of all. The Divine Feminine is the Vessel of Truth, of divinity, and higher wisdom holding the potential for a possible birthing of anything. Sounds a lot like the description of The Void, doesn’t it?   Giving birth to form is said to be the task of the Divine feminine principle, which exists in all of us, not just females.  When we birth anything, be it a child, a painting, or a feeling we make real and sensible something that we previously had not understood or felt by embracing the Devine Feminine aspect of The One. Bringing form to thought.

The aspect of the Divine Feminine has been represented in most spiritual paths.  In mystical Christian traditions, the Divine Presence Before the Outbreath was thought of as Sophia or the Holy Spirit: Divine Wisdom. She became the universal womb, for She preceded everything, as the common parent, the first humanity, the Holy Spirit.  

When he prepared the heaven, I (Wisdom) was present with him; and when he prepared his throne upon the winds: and when he strengthened the clouds above; and when he secured the fountains of the earth: and when he strengthened the foundations of the earth: I was by him. 
Hebrew Proverbs

In ancient Judaism there is the One, and that One is beyond any names or physical description we could imagine.  It is beyond the beyond; it is the Ain, the Ain Soph, the Ain Soph Aur  -The Limitless Light of No Thing.  Also created in this initial Outbreath of the "One" is Binah, which is "Understanding".  Binah is the Divine Feminine, the "sea" from where all is birthed into form and into which all will return…she is the collective potential of all that will and can be.   She is often called the Shekinah, "the presence of The One," and it is She that nurtures, guides and births.

In the Americas, the Mayans felt they knew exactly where this Holy Space was located in the cosmos and actually had a glyph representing it named Hunab Ku known to the Mayas as "The Galactic Butterfly."  Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme ultimate Creator.  It represented Consciousness, which organized all matter that has always existed.  This supreme Creator, the "Mother Womb" is constantly giving birth to new stars and eternal matter and as it gave birth to us.

In ancient Hindu texts, Paramatma, or supreme soul, is the name often given to that one genderless, formless, Being who pervades all and is all.  Sacred Hindu writings, which describe The Mother as the source of all, are numerous. The Great Mother or Shakti is known to be the great power that creates and destroys, the primordial essence, the womb from which all things proceed and into which all things return.  Shakti is the hidden power that turns energy into matter into life.  She is even regarded as substance, because all possible objects are latent and manifest in her womb.  The traditional Indian texts praise the Divine Mother as the Cosmic Matriarch, bestower of the highest treasure of Self Realization upon Her deserving children. 

With a mystical experience of the Oneness of the Holy Sacred Space that was, is and always will be makes it less like a void of emptiness and more like a sacred womb that is vibrant with all potential life.  You can feel the body of the Ancient Mother ever expanding into space, becoming the bodies of whirling galaxies that are spread over the multiverse like a mantle of bright jewels. 

In this oceanic Divine Light, we can experience the Divine Feminine as the essence of qualities like forgiveness, mercy, compassion, unconditional acceptance, and unconditional love - the feminine aspects of spiritual traditions.   We can feel bathed in waves of the rarest joy, knowing that the background hum of all that is and is deep within, is deeply connected and is what we truly are.  Blessings and Thank You.


Becoming Light out of Darkness