Bringing Back the Light


Good morning, 
May the Light in your Heart 
and Light of The Holy One, 
Bless you in this season of infinite possibilities. 
And may you extend your Brilliant Light out into the world.

Mystics of all ages have spoken about The Light. The following passage is from St. Teresa of Avila in 1560.

“When your soul was born, it was like a still ocean that had yet to experience its infinite light.

God then came to the shores of our souls and gazed upon the immaculate splendor that Her divine heart created. She then took off Her clothes and.…dove into us!

Dear Ones: Please know that all you have ever done and all that you ever will do was caused by the waves She stirred in that plunge!

Light baptizes all life and every spiritual path wherever it falls, and we are graced by its luminosity.”

During December, for thousands of years, there have been an expanse of rituals spanning cultures, spiritual paths and histories that seek the Light during this time of the deepest darkness.  We as one family are seeking and waiting and expecting and hoping for the Light, no matter when we were born or to which culture or which spiritual paths. And no matter how we define the Light. 

For millennia humans have been looking to the Light. We have been looking to the sunlight, to the starlight, to the moonlight, to Holy Divine Creator’s light… looking to our own intense spiritual light. 

Christmas is a celebration of The Light returning in the form of The Christ Light here on earth. May the Cosmic Light of Love and of Christ live in your heart. 

The celebration of Christmas, of course was placed to coincide with the celebrations present on Earth at that time celebrating birth/death/rebirth and the return of the Light. The real birth of Christ is thought to be sometime in Spring. 

It is no coincidence that celebrations seeking the Light were timed with Winter Solstice, with the standing-still-sun and its rebirth of light, bringing back its warmth.  The winter solstice is significant for us, symbolizing among other things, our own stand-still of Light on our own personal journey.  It is where we make a determination to turn towards spiritual Light…or not. 

The Light can be defined in many ways and only you can say what that means to you.  But for some, the Light within a spiritual life is an illumination that can flood our total Beings, that is radiant and luminous in aspects of our being- our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual Bodies and Beingness. 

Our inner spiritual light that is a part of the All, is a consciousness and an awareness of our Soul’s Journey.  The way that you express this in the world, is as rare as you are, and the presentation is totally your own. It is your own personal definition of Being Creator’s Light in the world and in the Multiverse.

At this time of the year, at this time of our lives, we all are on a collective journey; our journey to regain the light, Creator’s Light, and our own Light.  At this darkest part of the year now, and sometimes it may feel like the darkest part of our lives. 

Let me take a moment to say a word about the Dark. Of course, it is a choice how we feel about the Dark.  I happen to feel that the Dark is sacred, beautiful, and full of all potential. The potential of all choices and that is amazing and beautiful and powerful.  It is like being immersed in an ocean of Love. Feel it. Be it. Just because I do not know all parts of the Dark, all parts of Potential, does not mean it is threatening. I prefer to see this time of year, this time of Dark, as an introspective time, a going within time, so that we may incubate as the natural world does here on Mother Earth. Where we can reacquaint ourselves with our faith, our process, and our light that we live and breathe. 

We can go within on our spiritual journey, timed with the seasons of Mother Earth to consider all that was, that is and what may become.  There is great wisdom inside of you- the Wisdom of the Void, the Wisdom of all Potential, the Wisdom of The Holy One.  

Be still and Listen.  The Void provides the possibility of the All, the Womb of the Mother, the beautiful womb of all that is possible.  And one of the possibilities for you to consider is to integrate into your Being the belief that we are Light......we all are the Light- that you are the Light. That you are the Light we have been waiting for. That we are Creator’s Light made manifest for us all to see in each other’s presence.   

We today, here at Interfaith, with the Convocation of the Divine Feminine, we are speaking about bringing back the Light.  In this statement it sounds like you are bringing the Light back from somewhere else but...... in my way of knowingness, The Light has always been within you.  In fact, it is the biggest part of you.  Everything that you are is The Light. But sometimes we forget or are not willing to accept this. You are an amazing beacon of Light for us all to see. You were created with your own personal presentation of Light.  So, this is not bringing back the light from somewhere else, it is bringing out your own spiritual Light to share.   All you must do is smile at another person, with your heart, to see this is true, to see your Light shine in another’s eyes.

In the great spiritual traditions, our core is spiritual Light. A shared luminosity. You have the flame of intense spiritual Light within you. This is our challenge to recognize and accept.  And to accept with Joy and Gratitude.  I feel that we always have been the Light in one form or another as we progress on our journey, yet many times we are not able to see ourselves and the beauty that we are. 

Here is a quote from Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?'  Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. You “playing” small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

In the spirit of the season and in the spirit of your process, gather to yourself Wisdom, Love, Joy, Compassion and Peace.  And Light. And bring this Light and your Light to the world. 

What form does your spiritual Light take?  Isn’t it lovely that each of us holds a form of the Light that is precious and important to the whole, none more luminous than the other? Where does your truth lie, where does your Light lie? 

In my life experience, there have been times that it was difficult for me to believe that my Light was important, that it would be missed, that it needed to be shared.  But of course, I know that it is.  A quiet voice inside of me whispers this to me. The Holy One, whispers this in my heart.  My higher self-reminds me that what I say to others..... is also true of myself.  My gift, my Light is to be Joy in whatever I am doing. This sounds easy, right??  But it’s not.  When you shine with Inner Light some people think you insincere, nonintellectual, shallow, naive, or just plain daffed.  And then there are some people that when they see your Light, try to extinguish it with their own form of darkness. But mostly, when you connect with another and you allow your Light to shine, it reawakens the Light in them and is then met with a similar sparkle.....and the accumulative Light is increased.  

When I was young some very difficult lessons came my way. But I knew even then that the Light that was in me could not be touched by human actions. I don’t know how I knew, but I did.  The Light that was in me was brilliant, luminous, and secure. I say this with certainty, that the Light we are is important, is vital and is precious and beautiful to us all, including Divine Holy One.  This was a knowing at a very young age that has been tested by life many times and has become more refined as more lessons of life are presented to me.  I know I am..... I know that we all are to bring our Light to share.  It does not matter the form because all presentations of Light are precious and important. 

Please share your light with the world, please share it with me. Without your special Light, we all are less bright, and less illuminated.  Let’s all join together, at the time of the year when we are looking for the Light here on earth, to dedicate ourselves to polishing our Light, our own personal Light for the world to see. 

May the Blessings of the Light live in your hearts and your total Being and radiate out to the world. 

Deepening Ritual During the Season of Light: At your seat, you will see small tapers that represent the special Light that you are and that you can share with us. Please see Holy Ones’ Light and your Light as merging. Please see your precious gift of Light that you received from Holy Creator as She dove into you.  When you see this gift clearly, please come up to the Vessel of Light and ignite your Light taper from the central flame.  Place your Light taper in our Vessel of Light and see how the Light grows with each of our additional flames.  Please light your taper with the intentions of brightening yourself, your community, the world, and the Multiverse.  


Heroine Journey, Fruition


Acceptance of Call to Ministry-Linda Stern