Heroine Journey, Fruition


Linda Stern of The Convocation of the Divine Feminine 
The Heroines’ Journey  

Good morning to all fellow travelers on our collective journeys. 

I’m Linda Stern.  How appropriate it is to be speaking about Fruition on the Heroine’s Journey as we arrive at the harvest time of the year.  A time where we naturally move deeper into ourselves, where we can relish the bounty of our own harvests and be extremely grateful. 

The Heroine’s journey is a never-ending spiral:  into and out of the discovery of growth for us and our world and our multiverse. This whole year we have been on the Heroine’s Journey together, on a journey leading to Fruition, yours, and mine and to our collective Fruition as a community, as humanity.  

So, what is Fruition in terms of the Heroine’s Journey?  You have heard that the Boon is the Gift that we receive – perhaps from an unknown source, or from ourselves, or from our higher selves, or from Holy Mother, or from Source.  Fruition is what we do with the Boon, with the Gift.  At some point along our journey, we hopefully realize that the journey is not just for ourselves, and that the gift we receive is not just for ourselves......that we are not just for ourselves...... but this all.... All of it.... is to share joyfully with the world and Multiverse. As part of Fruition, we claim our gift, we own it and then we Be-come it and we share it with the rest of the world, with the rest of the Multiverse.  This whole journey transforms us and renews us, and we are born again. 

This is a process that... if we had listened with our hearts in the beginning or sometime earlier.... we would have known all along what to do.  We would have known all along that the world and indeed the Multiverse was waiting for us to share our precious gift!  What shall we do with this precious piece of the All that we have been blessed to receive?   Fruition is the sharing of that precious gift with the All. 

Fruition and the sharing of our gifts, however, is not just for the world outside us but also for ourselves to feel the unbelievable Joy of connection, of service, of oneness, of Love, of purpose and gratitude.  It’s the feeling in the womb of no separation from our Source.  This refined and transformational energy state of no separation is to collectively move towards our inter-related perfection. We all are sharing our Gifts through acts of Fruition with All the inter-related parts of Creation in a grand outbreath of Light. No matter what that gift is.

The sharing of our individual precious gift is one way we can refine our energy state and create a connection with each other and the Multiverse.  Your precious gift and what you do with it, is important to the world, to be shared and explored by yourself and us all.  

From the viewpoint of Holy Mother, what is Fruition? Holy Mother shows us the womb of total possibilities, then nurtures us, promotes us, holds a holy space for us and provides us with the experiences and insights that can produce enlightenment.  Fruition can be thought of as being as vast as a Cosmic Womb or as……. vast as the space in our Hearts. She patiently waits, as a mother might do, for us to embrace our potential and bring our Gifts to the world, for us to Be our gift. For us to be what is needed for ourselves and the Multiverse.    

She lovingly encourages us to take the leap to Fruition.
Here.... take it.... Now!
Now go and share it!!
Share it with your brothers and sisters!
It matters little how you define your gift!
 Be It!

How would it be if we were given the most precious of gifts and did not respond or answered with an insincere shallow.... “Ok…thanks”. 

To really Be our Fruition we need to cellularly feel our Gift so we can passionately embrace our future and share the Gold of ourselves with the world, with the multiverse, and Holy Mother and Holy Father. 

You see...... you are the Gift, and you are the Fruition. Both! Do not make little of yourself or your wonderful gift. Do not think small. Each one of us has a gift ….is a gift…. that we can share with the world and the Multiverse and ourselves. And without that special, unique piece of you…. we all are not whole;  we all will not reach our collective Fruition. We all are connected. 

On a personal level, I have been thinking about my gifts and how I share it with the world.  Recently, I wrote a children’s book about my son, Andy coming into our lives.  I had this divine moment, this gift, this intimate, ultimate feeling of grace from Holy Spirit concerning adoption. 

So, I sat down to write the story- and boom! It came out quickly as if it had already been written.  I then took a year to illustrate it with 30 beautiful whimsical paintings.  And this all felt like one second of time.  

I was filled with purpose bringing my gift to the world.  And I was filled with joy each and every day that I walked my path to do this.  I had an amazing experience filled with love from Spirit using my gift of art and writing and then joyfully bringing it to Fruition. 

For me the pureness of the experience that I just described was enough. 

But when I completed the illustrations and story, some people suggested that I get the story “out there.”  At first, I did not contact any publishers as I believed that if it was to be published, someone would serendipitously knock on the door and say something like, “Hey! I hear you’ve written a book and I’d like to publish it.”  No fooling- I really did, as the experience of creating the book was so immense.  So, I waited, and you know what?  Nothing happened. 

After I got over my amazement at the invisible publisher….I recommitted to sharing this gift with the world and got to work and sent the story out to many publishers that shared a similar mission statement in the world. This was an exciting time filled with purpose and anticipation. And then I waited…. 

And you know what? …….no one wanted to publish it.  Polite responses, yes, but no takers. Was I disappointed and confused?  Yes, I was – how could I have been that far off??   I really feel that this story of Divine Love for all ages of people was meant to be written and illustrated.   

So, did the rejections invalidate my gift?   Do the rejections invalidate the Fruition?  What is the Fruition?  Does it invalidate me?  

The answer to those questions is absolutely not!  But I can’t lie and say that it didn’t affect me. 

So.... what do you do when life doesn’t turn out as you anticipated? What do you do when the fruition of your gift is not as imagined?  Did I want the Fruition of my beautiful gift to be disappointment?  Non-belief?  Sadness?  Cynicism?  Again......Absolutely not!  I saw those appetizers on the menu, and I didn’t want them. No thanks. 

But I do know that sometimes when we travel on our path, we go to the depths of the labyrinth, we do the work and bring back a precious gift that we want to share with the world……and then no one sees it. Or we think no one sees it.   And sometimes that gift can be our beautiful hearts that we are willing to expose and take a chance and see what happens.  As a part of our own Fruition, I feel that we have the opportunity in each moment to define our experiences and to surround them with Joy and Love no matter what the circumstances, to refine our energetic expression in the world. 

For me, this book which I have named, The Divine Choice, is one of my gifts and its’ fruition is precious to me.   For me I know that if one person is touched by the story, I have had a positive impact. And at least one person was touched by my gift.  It was written about and for my son Andy who knows how loved and precious he is by the words and paintings. Of course, he knew that without the book, but it underscores that love and commitment.  And there are all the other people – friends and strangers alike- who have seen the story and illustrations over the years who have been very touched as well.  And really, you can never tell how your acts touch the world for many lifetimes. And as an update to this writing, I am going to place the book online on my website to download for free. It was never about money anyway. It was about the story. The Love is seen by those who seek it. Eyes to see, Ears to hear.

I also believe that while doing or creating anything be it dance, art, architecture, prayer, a letter, a day at work, a smile…. the energy that is purely created in the process is very powerful and important in the universe, in the multiverse.   And for me creating pure Joy and Loving energy  IS  the gift   and IS   the Fruition no matter what you are doing.   So perhaps the fruition in the example of the book came in the creation process or when I placed the last brushstroke and last period on the page or when the photographer saw the painting and cried or when Andy read it for the umpteenth time on his 21st birthday- who knows?  The Love billows out of the story and paintings and what more could I ask of this?   I received fruits of this harvest many years ago and perhaps…..shared that bounty with just the right amount of people already.  But perhaps this vineyard will at some point have another harvest….who knows  as the Heroine’s Journey cycles around, in and out, over and over again in our whole lives.  

We get to choose.... in every moment our Gifts and what will do with it…this our Fruition.  We can make every moment precious with gratitude, wisdom, Love, Joy, Compassion that we share as Fruition with our fellow travelers in our family, community, world, universe, and Multiverse.  I feel can feel the ultimate Fruition of all of us together in an inter-related connection in this precious moment.  Collectively we are Holy Gifts, Holy Fruition - to Holy Mother and Holy Father, sharing our Joy, Love, and Compassion on our journeys. 


Heroine Journey-The Call


Bringing Back the Light