Healing our Thoughts and Beliefs


Convocation of the Divine Feminine Service:  
Aug 2008

Having the word “thought” in our focus, made me a bit concerned about speaking here today. Thoughts, for me, is a problem place to start most endeavors, as I operate out of my heart space. And add speaking on top of that....well, it makes me feel very, very unsure of what I could share.  Not that I am not a bright, intelligent, inquisitive woman.....I am. It’s just not my modius or style or orientation.   And then I became concerned and almost fearful that I couldn’t incorporate my own spiritual Divine Feminine viewpoints about healing our thoughts and beliefs into this talk.  So obviously, I was overthinking and I had some inner work to do – some healing of a belief pattern.  For me, healing can come when I detach and then surrender to the healing energies of the All, of Divine Holy One, that is always with you, at a moments’ notice, when you ask.  And where does that type of energy happen most times for me? Through creativity, through imagination, through energetic connections. 

Usually when I do this, I am in the process of painting. But of course, speaking to a congregation is different. Right? But is it?   When I paint, I go to my inner sanctuary of creativity and intuition and healing – to my heart center. And that can apply to anything we do. 

Remembering that process, I start to feel joy – instead of fear, realizing that I do – we all do- have something to share.  Whether it comes in the form of a painting or a talk or a poem or a recipe, we all are an important part of Universal Love and Joy.  From my orientation, there is an inner knowing, a remembering that we all are a precious important part of The All, The Oneness, that seeks to be in balance in all of Creation, honoring and respecting each part that the other parts want to share.   

But as I said, I had difficulty with this topic in the beginning.  I think it’s because, the “mind space” and “thinking” has been foreign to me for most of my life.   So, thinking about healing of the mind- instead of feeling the healing or Being the healing...... well that just stymied me. Why would anyone want to do it this way?  But.....could this possibly be a limiting thought pattern in my mind- one that I could heal?   I must admit to you that I center and then activate from my heart – always have. It’s my way, my process. I am joy based; joy directed- this is a not mind or thinking based. Some people view this as a shallow and tenuous way of Being, but believe me, the Joy I am speaking about is not a shallow one, it is not dependent on what is happening in life – and its guidance has never failed me, and its strength is infinite. 

In some of the schools of the ancients, healing would be accomplished by the merging and balancing of opposite forces – such as the heart and mind or Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.  In another, healing would be accomplished by a cellular remembrance of the state of consciousness in which every experience and all things are equal and divine parts of The Whole.  

I believe to heal our minds’ limiting thoughts and beliefs we can remember the infinite strength that we are; the divine joy and love that we are that comes from an inner connection and balance in and with our heart space. The Mind and Heart in balance.

However, in my life wanderings, I have found that many people move primarily from their mind centers without the balance of their hearts. I believe that in life, we mostly start from our heart center and then slowly, slowly a mental approach is taught.  I believe it is taught to young children to survive in this world.  To be more yon than yin, to be more action oriented than contemplative, to fit into a mind dominated world.   And mind orientation seems to be valued more than being heart conscious.  At times, I have felt that I speak a different language than most people and I don’t think the world. 

But I don’t feel it has always been this way – from my sense of knowing, I feel that a long time ago, we were more balanced, when we were tied more deeply to the cycle of our inner selves, to our earth and to our multiverse.  I am not saying that we only moved from our heart centers, I am saying that it was more balanced.

But that was then, this is now.  The now with the plundering of our earth, with the divergence of our living experiences, with the existence of hate and fear in a large scale in our world, with a deep disconnect from our inner voice and divinity.  Where is the healing inner voice and divinity in all of that?  .  I believe we can find the healing center in the quiet healing space of the Divine Feminine and a reconnect to the natural world. 

Perhaps establishing a balance of heart and mind will lead to personal and global healing of limiting thought and belief patterns. It maybe the healing of the separation that we are looking for.  The separation from Source, the separation of our hearts and minds, the separation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. To heal and become whole, it is important to remember who we are as Spiritual Beings of Joy and Peace and Love by integrating our minds, hearts, spirit and body. 

In years leading to now, our worldly family has come to believe an idea that the mind is the solution, the leading force in our life experience. That our mind is the all-important originator of all that we are and that thinking our way to something is the only way to reach a goal, to attain our wholeness, our peace, our joy – the way to our healing. 

Our mind has told us what our thoughts, beliefs and feelings will be and has told us what will make us feel whole, without experiencing the feeling of......sinking into the quiet loving space of our own Divine Feminine hearts.  

Does that sound familiar? Does that work for you? For the world? For the multiverse?  How can the mind, heal the mind when it wants to protect the “way things are” and its naked and skeletal children -our thoughts and beliefs?  I believe that the mind tries to protect its status by leading us to a fear and lack of mentality.  We need to balance the strength of mind with the strength of the heart.

For more years than can be counted our human family has been disconnected from our heart space and the Divine Feminine, only paying attention within ourselves and the world community, to the mind and the Divine Masculine, spinning us all out of balance.  

To heal our mind, thoughts and beliefs   and   that of the global awareness, we need to balance the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine, the mind with the heart.  The mind and heart connection utilizes the strengths of each, for the betterment of the All. To heal limiting thoughts and beliefs use your mind- yes of course- it is a beautiful part of you but...... in full connection and full co-operation with your heart space. 

We have opportunities all the time to reframe our minds and sit in precious moments in relationship with our hearts. Try connecting into the beautiful loving Diving Feminine space of your heart and listen.  Embrace a wholeness that already exists in your Inner Self, that shares the blueprint of Creation from our Holy Mother and Holy Father, in a healthy balance. And you will hear the message to your healing that has never left you. 


Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom


Bridget and Creativity