Bridget and Creativity


Linda Stern and The Convocation of the Divine Feminine
Bridget, the Triple Celtic Goddess
Bridget and Creativity

Good morning to you and May the Light of Bridget shine in your heart!

As you know, this year we are honoring the attributes of the Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget. 

I knew that I was born a Divine Feminine glint of starlight so, it is no stretch that I am deeply connected to Bridget, who in my Scottish heritage is called Bride or Bressha.  This morning, we are focusing specifically on her aspect of inspiration and creativity.  From many spiritual traditions, the Divine Feminine is made manifest, with inspiration and creativity.  What can be more Divinely Feminine than the birth of an idea or a painting or universe or a child?  As some of you know, I am blessed to walk hand in hand joyful with creativity daily. It is like breathing air for me, mostly done without conscious thought; I just let myself flow with the spirit of the sacred moment. I believe that the birthing of a joyful moment is a guidepost from The Holy One to all of us.  

I connect deeply with the inspiration of Bridget as she not only blesses creativity in poetry, but also protects and guides all those in the creative arts. She is a source of visions and prophecies, and the giver of spiritual gifts through creativity.  In a larger sense, Bridget blesses the creative inspiration in everything that we do with her fiery creative spark. 

In stories told from the old times, the fire of inspiration and creativity came from flames blazing brightly from Bridget’s head at birth.  This column of fire from her head connected heaven and earth; above and below, balancing the creative female energies with action orientated male energies.  It is told that Bridget reached up and broke away a spiraling plume of flame from her circular crown of fire and threw it on the ground before her, bringing the fire of inspiration and the energy of divine creativity here to earth to produce action.   

In days before, everyone knew that to be a creative spirit, one was also a diviner.  The Irish and Welsh made a direct connection between poets and shamans and seers.  As we all know, the vibration of a song is magic:  the word “enchants” means “to sing”, and in early Irish culture the word for poet, filid, also meant prophet.  Bridget was a link to this vibration and a protector for those you traveled there.

For me, being inspired and creative overlap.  With meditation, a portal of openness to open to receive joyful sparks of creativity.  For me, it also takes an alchemical holding inside of the creative flame and transformation of that spark. Then the spark is birthed into art.  Sometimes it seems as if a color or a note or a movement flows in from Holy Creators’ collective field to be celebrated upon arrival in my spirit and body. Then it is birthed out ~ spinning with a life of its own.  Ah, The pure joy of creation.  

Speaking from the perspective of the Divine Feminine in Alchemy and Sacred Geometry, and from my own creative process, the tradition of Bridget is a shining example of the inspired hand of Holy Creator.  In Alchemy, as in creative inspiration, as in spiritual progression.... there is a refining of spirit working from the dense to the fine, from the physical to the Divine.  

And some of Alchemists’ and Sacred Geometry’s’ principles have common threads with Bridget’s birth story.  One principle that is shared is: As above, so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.  Another principle is: it arises from the Earth and descends from heaven; gathering to itself the strength of things above and things below.  Drawing Divine creative spirit to our center IS a miracle.  Creativity on every level is a miracle, from the birthing of an idea to the birthing of a reality. And Bridget does this with inspiration and creativity that She shares with artist of all kinds.   

In the creative process, as the stages of alchemy, we access the Void Space, the Holy Womb of the Divine Feminine, then hold the idea, the energy, the Light, like a child deep within our body and spirit.  After a creative incubation, there is an outpouring where the action can be expressed to the external world in words, music or art or any creative endeavor.  In this manifested form, the artist responds, yet again; internalizing creation like the sacred dragon eating its own tail, the phoenix dying and being born again. The flow becomes an alchemical cycle, moving thru a sacred doorway of the golden mean spiral in constant movement between inner and outer worlds. Bridget does for me and creative sorts like poets, artists, shamen and healers with her Fire in the Head. The Fire of Inspiration.

In Alchemy as well as Sacred Geometry, Creativity and creation are bound together to help us understand how the All was and still is created.  Creativity and creation bound together in a way to assist us understand the Divine, the creation process and how infinitely we are loved.

Some believe that the universe was and is created by the Consciousness of The Holy Divine that is made manifest in this physical reality through a geometric blueprint contained in the teachings of Sacred Geometry.  In studying Sacred Geometry of Creation or Alchemy or other spiritual paths, we understand that creation takes place in The Void and for me that is the Holy Womb of Creation.  In Sacred Geometry, creation enters into this physicality through a portal known as the Golden Mean Spiral.  This doorway is considered a bridge between our physical reality and the Oneness of the Divine and is the vibration of Creative Power. 

As a creative spirit, I like to explore the inner sacred "Void" space, the space before creation. Looking into the Void, I face something about myself and what lies beyond – the unlimited potential of Creator, Holy One.  My creative spirit is not a thinking process. It is a state of Being where I hold a creative spark within, to a point where the energy builds and is then transmuted. At this point, I surrender to the sacred moment and an alchemical transformation takes place in the creative concept and myself. With this creative expression, manifested here, in this reality....I am merely the blessed moving part, co-creating something wonderful. 

The Spiral Ratio is a sacred doorway to a creative, intuitive space where we can once again merge with the Holy One.  Through meditation and creativity, we can produce sacred spaces in our own inner temple and in our sacred living spaces.  For instance, when I create art in my home, it is in the same place each time, which changes the energy in that area.  I can walk by the space and feel the creative energy sizzle.  Sometimes there is a pop and sizzle and sometimes it is the bliss of the Beyond the Beyond.  Sometimes I feel the sacred space and the creative energy bids me  “Come and play!”   By meditating and being in my creative process, not only do I create art, but I also charge the energy in the space with Light and Love and Creativity, just as we can charge a space with prayer

These actions help me to understand, if even in a small way, the way that Holy One creates/created all of the zillions of particles that exist on all the many unnamed different levels and how exquisite and loved that energy is. 

I feel I know because, I love all my creations that way.

When I create, I commune with Divine Holy Creator, with the Creative Spirit of the Goddess Bridget.  I hold myself open to the Love and Illumination and Light and Creativity. And to the spirit and energy of the paint, the brushes, the paper, the water.  And then a seed of a concept starts to emerge and then I surrender.  Then the transformation takes place within, and I begin to visualize.  I am so grateful to be a part of this creative cell, creative container, creative partnership.  I am simply the joyous moving part of this creative connection as a bridge between this physical manifestation and spirit.  Then.... the canvas starts to grow and glow and at some point, I fall in love with the creation, as I know our Holy Creator does with us.  The creative endeavor, the creative action – be it a painting or a poem or the beating of our hearts, is an expression of Holy Creator, of love and connection. And then the expression, the creativity, the Love is breathed out on its own to spin in a reality of its own being. I feel that creativity, in all that we do, gives us potentially unlimited connection and creativity to further understanding of how deeply we are loved.

Poetry, song, and art are easily recognizable presentations of creativity and inspiration. And The Goddess Bridget inspires and protects those people with the spark of creativity in their Beings.  The arts were and still are a transmitter of information, transformation, and spirituality.  But creativity appears in many forms in our lives – if we only see it - parenting, praying, accounting, dressing, driving, sports, running, eating.  Creativity is a spark to ignite our flame for life.  With Bridget as well as Sacred Geometry or Alchemy, or Divine Feminine creativity. It is the transformational spark that the Holy One uses to ignite the outbreath ~~with Love and Life and Joy in everything that exists so that we can feel in every cell of our spirit how we were creatively and lovingly conceived The Holy Creator. 

As a Celtic poet once wrote of the Divine Feminine 

creative force in the universe.

“I was putting another word to it, for Her

for the fair Foster-Mother of Christ, when She looked at me and said,

"I am older than Bridget of the Mantle...

I put songs and music and creation on the wind 

long before the bells of the chapels were rung in the West 

or heard in the East.

I am Bridget in so many more names than you can conceive.

I have been a breath in your heart.

And the day already has its feet to it 

that will see me coming into the hearts of men and women, 

like a flame upon dry grass, 

passing into the world of song and beauty 

and poets' dreams, to be loved


And to that I say, Welcome Dear Mother, Holy Creator of the Multiverse

That presents Herself in so many forms, one of them being,

The Celtic Triple Goddess, Bridget.

Questions about the Creative Spark and the Goddess Bridget

What can I do to bring Bridget’s Divine Feminine spark of creativity into my life?”  Bridget wants to nurture our creative talents. Even if it is something you normally don’t do, try writing a poem, do a painting, sing, and dance with Bride/ Bridget in your heart. Call out to her in your creative stance and she will be with you.  Ask yourself, “What seeds have been planted in myself, that I want to come alive?”  Is there something that is yet to manifest above ground into physical reality, sprouting under the dark covering blanket of Earth inside of you, inside the cloak of Bride?  


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