Imagine Your Reality, Imagination is Everything


Good morning and welcome. I’m Linda Stern here at Interfaith with the Convocation of the Divine Feminine.

Let’s try something together. Let’s all close our eyes and imagine we are in a Sacred Space. It could be here, or somewhere else or in the Imagination Field.

Now let’s imagine we are surrounded by Beings that are loving, supportive, peaceful, and Light filled.  Feel that in your inner most temple.  As Buddha said:  “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. What we think we become.” 

Now bring your consciousness back here and bring that feeling and experience with you. And isn’t it wonderful that you ARE in a sacred space, and you are surrounded by Beings who are lovingly supportive, peaceful and Light Filled!  

This month at ICS, we are speaking about embodying and living our ideals and our thoughts and that by being our ideals; we create realities.  For me, this means being at a deep cellular level, the highest and best ideals of our Multiverse; to reveal myself as an expression of the Divine- as Light, Love, Joy, Compassion... to name a few, as best I can.  My ideals and thoughts and desires are a manifestation of my inner divinity seeking to express itself in a reality for the good of all.

 There has been a great deal thought, written, and said about creating our own realities both on the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels, both in the inner and outer worlds and in the secular and spiritual realms.

Gandhi said- “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your ideals. Keep your ideals positive because your ideals become your destiny.”

 Dr John Hagelin, a quantum physicist educated at Dartmouth and Harvard said:  "Happier thoughts lead to an essentially happier biochemistry - a happier, healthier body. Negative thoughts and stress have been shown to seriously degrade the body and the functioning of the brain, because it's our thoughts and emotions that are continuously reassembling, reorganizing, re-creating our body.”  I’m so glad to hear that science and spirituality are in alignment.

 The Hagelin quote is about our thoughts creating a reality of physical health.  But what I found fascinating about Dr. Hagelin is that he was published in two papers that speaks about the relationship between consciousness and…. Quantum physics.

 His papers discuss the Vedic understanding of consciousness as a field and compare it with theories of the unified field in quantum physics.  Hagelin suggests that these two fields have almost identical properties and quantitative structure. He presents theoretical and empirical arguments where he suggests that the two fields are one and the same.  How interesting to consider that our consciousness and the unified field are the same thing, being described, tested, and thought about by what in the past have been such divergent lines of study.  And to this I say…. But of course!

 Where do our desires, our ideals, our thoughts, our intents, our inventions, our imaginings, our creations come from and where do they go?  Do they just pop into and out of our consciousness?  Do they disappear with the last exhalation of a sentence or blip of our brain? Have you ever, when in the state of mindlessness or meditation or sacred prayer, been connected to a fantastic, amazing, Light filled feeling or thought or insight? 

 Some say there is a place in the ethers……that our consciousness connects to…. A place where imagination lives, where creativity is born,  where thought forms and patterns are held, that is connected to the All and to us; both in the past, present and future.  There are many terms for this space, this Sacred Space - Some call this the Super Consciousness, some call it the Sacred Space Within, some call it Higher Self, Universal Intelligence, some call it the Vibrational Field.   And at least one forward visionary thinker is hypothesizing it is the Unified Field.

 As Shakti Gawain has said: “Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need.  It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with Universal Intelligence.”

 We, as a species, by connecting to Divine Intelligence, Mother-Father God, Holy Divine One, can connect to All that is and can create a group reality for the benefit of All.  And in a similar way, we as humans can create a reality- with a small r for ourselves.  But imagine if our personal reality and the Reality of the Multiverse, with a loving, compassionate group consciousness, thrived together. It could be heaven on earth.

 This idea of our ideals and thoughts creating our reality has wrapped itself in so many different containers over the course of time. As an example, here at Interfaith the last 2 years our themes have included the idea of thoughts and ideals creating realities. You might remember when The Convocation of the Divine Feminine, spoke about the Heroines Journey.  Those Archetypes are achieved by thoughts and ideals, creating their realities.  The Warrior, The Sage, The Lover, The Magician:  all of the archetypes, creating their own realities for themselves and the world- for good or for bad.

 And then last year, we spoke about the 12 Conditions of a Miracle in which the 12 conditions create our realities and our miracles from our thoughts, our desires, our ideals. Perhaps you remember a few guideposts like - Go inside and listen to the Divine voice, know what you want and how to ask for it….visualize what you want clearly and act as if a miracle has already occurred.  These are all steps in creating a reality or a miracle.

The author of Twelve Conditions of a Miracle, Todd Michael said, “These conditions or game rules of the Universe- form an engine. When all the cylinders fire together, the power they generate is beyond comprehension. It is a power that can change your life drastically as the universe opens for you. You have the power to manifest heaven here on earth, right here and now.”

Across the ages and in every spiritual path we have been told the same thing- that our thoughts and feelings, intensely felt, and coupled with The Divine, create our realities, both personal and cosmic.

In the sacred text of Alchemy, The Emerald Tablet, written around 3,000BC this is found: “As above, so below. As within, so without.”

The Buddha said, “He is able who thinks he is able.”  And as I said before, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. What we think we become.” 

In the New Testament in Mark & Matthew- in slightly different words is found: "What things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” 

In the Upanishad it is stated:  “Above all, a person is his will. As he wills in this life, so he becomes.”

And consider this from Hazrat Inayat Khan: “Every person, from morning till evening, is making invisible forms in space by what he says. He is creating invisible vibrations around him, and so he is creating an atmosphere, a reality” 

You see, my dear brothers and sisters, each of us is pure living potential;  available to create and be a full expression of perfection in our world connected to our Loving Holy Parent.

To manifest realities in the world, begin with listening to that quiet space within you that connects to the loving and infinite Source of Holy Mother and Father, Divine One.  Connect with that vibrational field of Spirit, whatever you may call it or feel it to be: consciousness, Unified Field, Higher Self, Goddess, God, Holy One and be at one with Her.  Then with Love in your heart and your thoughts, visions, ideals,  use your special gifts that you ARE from the Divine and move forward towards your destiny.  A destiny and reality that shares your precious gift with the world and with the multiverse by creating realities for the benefit of All Beings. Yes...with your special gifts! You know what they are! 

It is possible to create heaven right here on earth and it begins with each of us realizing that we are the active agents of change in our individual life reality, and in our world. Energy flows where our attention goes.

What is your gift to the world?  What divine realities do you want to create for the benefit of the All?  What can your sacred heart imagine?

In Thoreau’s Walden he said- “I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

So please, close your eyes again. With your full and loving heart, imagine the reality we can create right now.  And with your full and loving heart, let’s connect with our ideals and our inner divinity.  With all the inhabitants of heaven and earth, imagine a heaven right here on earth for all- a reality of peace and love and joy- a reality that is joyful not only for ourselves but for all of creation.  Imagine it!!

And as another one of my favorite physicists, Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”


Alchemical Fire of Transformation


Summary of Conditions of a Miracle