Summary of Conditions of a Miracle


Good Morning and Good Miracles to you!    

I’m Linda Stern and I believe in miracles!  I know that miracles occur around us every day. I see miracles in every moment, and I know that by our positive actions and positive thoughts we can be living miracles for ourselves and our world.  

So, when we decided to use the book 12 Conditions of a Miracle by Todd Michael as our focus here at Interfaith, I was delighted. He shares information from a retranslation of Ancient Greek about the Miracle and Loaves and Fishes that is found in the New Testament that empowers us to create miracles. 

In this retranslation, the techniques give the power to mere mortals to create miracles with positive thought, actions, and visualization.  These 12 conditions are self-empowering beliefs that are a part of other spiritual paths worldwide. 

Here is a quote from Todd Michael "These conditions form a kind of engine with twelve cylinders. When all twelve cylinders fire together, the power they generate is beyond comprehension. It is a power that can change your life drastically as the universe opens for you. You will have the power to manifest heaven here on earth in your life, here and now."

So, this morning, I am going to do a review of the 12 conditions with quotes. These 12 conditions are cyclic and the opportunity to grow with them, will return again and again.  

Month One was establishing a quiet void within us so that spirit can slip in and speak to us. 

From the Old Testament, Psalms – “Be still and know that I AM God.”

From Mother Teresa: “God speaks in the silence of the heart.  Listening is the beginning of prayer.”  

Month two was Alignment. This means getting your own life and intent to move in the same direction as the universe. 

From Brian Tracy-“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in alignment with the universe.

Month Three was Asking.  If you know what you really want, and how to ask for it, the universe will fulfill your request with startling accuracy so Be Careful what you ask for!

From Jules Renard: “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” 

Month Four was Maximizing - maximizing what already exists, not materialization from nothing. The universe is very careful. It hates waste. Those who use its precious energy with appropriate gratitude and care are rewarded. 

From “E.F. Schumacker: Our ordinary minds always try to persuade us that we are nothing but little acorns and that our greatest happiness will be becoming bigger, fatter, shinier acorns. But that’s of interest only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge of something better: that we can become giant oak trees.” 

Month Five was Giving. The act of giving stimulates flow and relieves congestion.

From St. Francis of Assisi: “For it is in giving that we receive.”

Month Six was Grounding, at a physical and metaphysical level. As in electrical power, if a circuit is not grounded in the now- the currents can’t flow through it- so miracles won’t get to us.

From Theodore Roosevelt: “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” 

Month Seven was visualizing. Unless the desired end is clearly seen, it cannot be reached. 

From Nikola Tesla: " I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination and make improvements and operate the device in my mind.  When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put that into concrete form." 

Month Eight was Gratitude. When a human being is in a state of true gratitude, the fabric of time and space is favorably altered.

From Sara Breathnach- “You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.” 

Month Nine was Acting As If.  Acting as if means to take action as if your miracle has already occurred. It requires for you to believe in your miracle and take a leap of faith and to move with that belief into actions. 

From Carlos Castenjada- “A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.” 

Meister Eckhart reminds us- “What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action. Action and Becoming are one.” 

Month Ten involves Engaging the Cycle. Energy flows in a cycle throughout the universe, from the small to the large. Every enlightened person in history has tried to tell us that as a part of a cycle, we receive as we give. 

From Luke 6:38- “Give and it will be given to you” 

Month Eleven was that of Receiving.   Receive the energy of the Multiverse and let your life be filled with abundance.  For some this is difficult! Feel the abundance, joy, pleasure, and gratitude. Be open to accepting the flow, open to what is going to happen and believing.  

A Sufi saying:  “Abundance can simply be had by consciously receiving what already has been given” 

Which brings us to the 12th condition which is Recycling

In the example of the Miracle of Loaves and Fishes when all of the people had eaten and were finished, the fragments were not left on the ground. They were gathered and recycled. All throughout our ecological and biological system, nature maximizes by recycling everything it possibly can. Think of the economy of a forest floor and its abundance. The Universe does not waste.

We are so precious to our Loving Holy Parent that She would not have us waste an atom of ourselves….or our gifts….or anything. This attitude honors each and every cell of the gigantic Holy Body: everything is sacred, and everything is blessed. 

In the essence of our message today, please graciously share all of your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual wisdom and gifts with others.   Be a miracle for someone else with your abundance of Blessings and Miracles. Pass your Wisdom, your Joy, your Gifts, and you Light on to another in whatever way fits.  As a closing today, here is a prayer I have written from my heart about Miracles. Please join me.

Dear One, Loving Source of All,

I hear your strong and sure voice within my heart,

within my soul.

Thank you for the Miracle of your presence in our lives, showing us abundance in every possible form.

This I ask of you, Dear One- 

This I pray to you, Dear One-

That the Miracle of existence 

touches every being in the Universe.

That the Miracle of your Love and Compassion 

live in every heart-

That the Miracle of the fullness of Your joy 

is felt in every moment.

And now may your Blessings of Miracles 

be upon us all.


Imagine Your Reality, Imagination is Everything


Asking for a Miracle