Initiating the Divine Feminine Candle


Statement before the Lighting of the

first Divine Feminine candle at Interfaith Community Sanctuary 

May 20, 2018.

Women all over the world and here at Interfaith have expressed a deep desire, a deep yearning for the Divine Feminines’ presence to be a more visible part of our world and our community. 

I believe that Holy Divine Mother has called to our hearts in response to our collective call for respect, healing, joy, and love so badly needed in our world.  

So here at Interfaith, we are reinstating a sacred space of the Divine Feminine in our lives…. to bring a more visible and experiential presence of Holy Mother in our midst.

How does one define the Divine Feminine or Holy Mother? 

How do you define holiness or divinity or the limitless All?  

Human words are just human words, and She is as diverse and immense

as All That Is.  But with our Hearts open to Her voice, we will try.

For this morning I have written a prayer to the Divine Feminine 

(5/20/2018 written by Linda Joy Stern)

She......who existed before the All and exists in all that is, 

She…...who is the movement of the Cosmos, 

She…...who created the All with her thoughts, Her prayers, and Her Love,

She…...whose voice speaks softly from before the beginning, but as loudly as a call of angelic trumpets, 

She…...who whispers to the heart of All that is 

and is recognized because Her seed exists in us All. 

Holy Mother….who’s voice reveals Herself as the Light within the Light-

Enlightens our minds, ignites our hearts, illuminates our bodies to shine with        Divine    Holy    Light 

May we share your blessings with all Beings of the Multiverse.

And I end this prayer with...May we be connected in the Light and Love and Wisdom of Her.


Ecstasy & Spirituality


For She so Loves the World