For She so Loves the World


Greetings and good morning to you all! 

Today I want to ask you to do something.  During our gathering, please notice something- at least one small thing- that speaks to your heart that you can bring into your world about Divine Feminine Love that I am going to speak about today. 

I have been asked for over 40 years, what my spiritual path is….or what it’s called……as if there is some finite name or definition to it.  To me at times, this question sounds like someone speaking in a language that my brain doesn’t quite comprehend.  So, to these polite questions, I have learned to reply, “I seek to be in harmony with the sacred cord that underlies and supports and lives in all spiritual and faith traditions- that lives in everything; that lives in The All.  This cord is the One Who Is and is a part of all realities and paths; The One who was the Infinite before, who is infinitely now and who will infinitely Be forever.” 

In this sacred communal cord, there you will find the Divine Feminine in relationship with the Divine Masculine. Of course, these are all just my human words that I use to try and explain a Divinity so immense, a connection so deep, a reverence so limitless that I cannot grasp its true reality and entirety. 

But to me…. this Divinity… this immensity… is Holy Mother.   

She ….Who…. Is.    She who perfumes all that is.  

She who birthed the multiverse,  

who nurtures us at Her breast,  

who guides us on our heroine’s and hero’s journeys, 

who connects us to the power and strength of the multiverse, 

who shares a sacred direction with those who wish it,  

who consoles us in our times of darkness, 

who shares with us the Joy of Being,  

and who Loves us…. beyond the limitations of words.  

Holy Mother, Divine Mother, Holy Divine Feminine…. 

In all Her many aspects and forms, that have appeared 

here on earth and across the multiverse in many other forms. 

Holy Mother is not restrained…. 

she is not sedate….  

she is not hesitant…. 

and She is not afraid….. 

She …is… The… All.   

And because She is the All,   

She absolutely is Love, or 

She is Absolute Love…with a capitol L and loves us…. 

beyond words and limitations …

for all our many lives and presentations and journeys 

and successes and failures….. 

along our intricately…. Inter-connected… paths…. 

with each other and with Her.   

Love is… what She is.  

Love comes in so many packages that sometimes 

we can’t discern that it is Love.  

Sometimes it is disguised or hidden but it is there… 

for your discovery,

your......” A-ha!”   moment 

your.....  “I get it!”  moment.  

For our help, She leaves signposts, along our path.  These signposts could be a partner or a child or a 4 legged or a flier or a crawler or a difficult situation or person or a sunset or a cloud or a smile or a poem or…… someone’s life story.  Or the Love that Holy Mother Divinely shares with each one of us, if we want it. 

One of the signposts She leaves for us to see, to experience, to be... is something called the Golden Rule.  We can find the Golden Rule in most every spiritual tradition.  But as you look at all the different ways of stating this concept that is contained in most spiritual paths…. strangely enough, many of them are stated in double negatives – which I remember my English teacher saying not to use.  Did she say they negate each other?  Not sure....

It usually sounds something like this:  
“Don’t do to someone else what you don’t want done to yourself.”   This sounds so unsure, so tentative, and so negative! Like easing into something. me it sounds so self-serving – do this so you get something back.  Where is the Love in that…? it’s just survival.  It is so first level.

I see this type of phrasing of the traditional Golden Rule, as a distinctly non-Divine Feminine way of stating the clearly obvious.  So, here is what I feel Holy Mother leaves for us as a sign of Love, as a guide on our Loving Way:

The Divine Feminine Golden Rule:

When you read this......please lovingly see it, feel it, breath it in and BE it:  


“Love each other as you wish to be loved.”

As simple as that. That’s what I feel she says. 

But really, I feel that Holy Mother would go one step farther and say: 

Love without thinking about getting love back, 

Respect without thinking about getting respect back, 

Honor without thinking about getting honor back 

and so forth......

Do these acts purely, do these acts for the healing and love of All 

And, by the way… don’t worry, if you give with your whole heart- love or respect or compassion…it will return.  It may come back in a totally different package that you thought it might appear or in a different lifetime, but it will come. Fully and Lovingly.

For She so loves the world…. is a paraphrase of a Christian quote many of you might know. But this particular statement – For She so Loves the World…. is not in the past tense, is not a statement of sacrifice, is not do this and you get that…it is stated in a way that lets us feel loved in Her arms, 

in Her heart, 

in this precious non-judgmentally loving moment, no matter what.

Her Love for All is:  

non-judgmental, kind, compassionate, patient, eternal,  

ever flowing and so much more.  

But sometimes in our lives, we don’t experience love like that.  Love in a way that opens our hearts and minds and the soul.  

And to this I say…. 

do what YOU can to Love, 

do what you can to BE love.  

that you can to BE love.  

Don’t put it on anyone else- you do it.  Be like Her- 

be patient, non-judgmental, compassionate, 

and the Love will flow.  And Be around Love- it comes in so many forms.  

It is right here, right now, in each other’s eyes.  

Do you See it? I know I do.  

She shows us that Love IS Life and Life IS Love- we can give love and we can receive love, on this earth plane or divinely.   But we all know that sometimes we can give love and it is not returned or not returned in a way that we feel it or know it.  And to this I say, just keep on giving love!   For therein lies a principal of the multiverse- that which you give freely from your heart will be returned to you 10-fold, 1,000-fold, a million-fold!  Now…. you may never see the results this lifetime, or you may not see it until 7 lifetimes- but just know that the love you generate and freely give, is precious and important for the entirety of the All for all times.  

Be…. the…. Love. Love humans, or our animal family, or the earth, or the elements, or the universe or the multiverse or the energy that exists on the other side of tomorrow or Divinely Love Holy Mother!  

Just Be the Love- radiate the love, share the love as you walk your path each day with all you encounter.  See yourself as a beautiful glowing container of Love that radiates as you walk down the street or cooking dinner or getting onto a bus or at work or creating something or even in a stressful situation. 

Don’t wait until prayer or meditation or devotional times to be that Love……Be it always.       

Be…. Love…. always.  

I believe that this is the form of Love She teaches us.  

To Be Love always   and     To Be the Love in the form of you!    

Walk in the world, as best you can… in the moment…. 

Being the Love.  

Just try your best with no goal in mind other than just BEING LOVE.  Imagine if everyone did that even 50% of the time!  During your day…. love without reason or limits. She does. 

Many times, I end with a quote from some well-known person but this time I am going to end with some words of Love from Holy Mother through me-

Love each other

and yourself

as you know

I Love You.

Blessing on your day.


Initiating the Divine Feminine Candle


Meditation with Divine Holy Mother