Meditation with Divine Holy Mother


Sit, breathe. Let all the rest of the room slowly retreat until it is just you.  You and Holy Mother.  She may take the form of pure light, she may take the form of a heart, she may take the form of a Goddess she may take the form of a swirling galaxy but whatever the form she takes, just be with Her.  Breath in Her presence. Breathe in Her Divine Light.  Sit with her and just Be.  You don’t need questions or anything……just feel the Love and healing power of her Divine Presence and Light and Pure Love.

You can reach out to her and touch her if you’d like- but she is already a part of you. You can see yourself merging with her if you’d like- but she is already with you. Stay here with her for a moment, a precious sacred moment. 

Now we need to come back to our space here in this reality so say thank you…. for gratitude is a key of the multiverse as well.  Bid adieu for the moment and flow back into your body feeling the peace and love and healing that She is…. and She shares. Come back into your body and feel yourself here in the sanctuary. 

Healing Segment: 

In this moment, in this state of being, let us join together, to share a healing moment.  We are blessed to be together this morning so please let’s extend our healing and loving energy, seeing all that is, in the highest and best form.  Increase the vibrancy of your healing energy to incorporate all that is.  Please silently include all you know who need or would want these healing energies.  

Thank you.


I think it is wonderful to have guidance in our lives, don’t you?   We have all been blessed to be around people in our family, lives, community, and world that have shared their hearts, minds and souls with us- their words of wisdom.  I believe this is a way of the Divine Feminine…. To be vulnerable enough to share ourselves and to seek out wisdom and deepening love from each other. 

In our ritual today, you will find words of wisdom from people across the ages for your intuition to choose at the altar.  It may guide you for an hour or a day or a lifetime. It may be exactly the right words you need as a confirmation or to point you to another path or direction. 

Also, there are some stones waiting for you. Stones contain wisdoms of the earth, and each has their own energy signature. So please select a stone that you can make into a piece of jewelry or to accompany you in your pocket for you to hold and touch to remind you of today or of the direction you want to go in your life. 


For She so Loves the World


Reverence for Life