Miracle Grounding


Linda Stern of the Convocation of the Divine Feminine
Speaking about 12 Conditions of a Miracle 
Condition of Grounding

Good morning to you all. I’m Linda Stern. I’m here with all of you lovely people, in this precious moment, grounded in the Bliss of our sacred space we call Interfaith Community. 

As you might have noticed on our reader board, this year our focus is Creating Miracles with direction from a book written by Todd Michael called 12 Conditions of a Miracle. This month the 6th condition is Grounding.  You might recall that the first condition of establishing a miracle is to create a still space- a neutral zone- in yourself that will draw in the energy of Creation of the Multiverse, of Source. And one way to draw in energy is by grounding yourself. 

Please ask yourself; what if you wanted a great deal of energy--spiritual energy - to flow freely and abundantly through your life, the kind of energy that manifests miracles? What would you do? 

As an example of the flow of energy, lets reference electricity.  If we wanted electricity to not   flow through us when we stick our finger in a socket, we might create blocks like wearing rubber boots or standing on a wooden stool, for instance.  But…. if you took off the boots, stood on a damp surface.... well, you see where this is heading…... the powerful flow would go right through you to the perfect destination for all that current; all that power.... it would flow to somewhere that has a relative neutral charge.... through you to the earth. 

And, in the course of this happening - you- as a part of the circuit- would be charged too.  Remember this is just an example with electricity and do not do this at home! 

The energy that supplies the power for Miracles moves in much the same way as electricity.  Throughout nature, flow goes from the most charged position to the least charged position obeying Natures’ laws. This occurs in water, in airflow, in weather, in electricity, for example. 

In the Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, Jesus gave very few directives, but he did say “sit down on the grass” or in another interpretation to “lay back in the garden” which was an odd thing to say while in the desert where this miracle happened, right?  But the Master Miracle Maker, Jesus, knew that connecting to nature, letting go, being in the moment- would facilitate the flow of energy which would consequently feed many people. 

Grounding oneself is a tool that has been used for centuries in connection to energy and can be accomplished in many ways.

In different traditions, you hear of seeking nature to “ground” yourself, to lie back in the garden in the present moment, so to speak.   And in this moment, this is our Garden here at Interfaith. But anywhere that find ourselves, is our garden. It is helpful to seek a location in nature to connect to our garden of our Abundance and Beauty.  Grounding yourself is an efficiently way of connecting to a large amount of energy that is the Universe, the Multiverse, that is Source.  This is done for a variety of reasons and creating a miracle is one of them. 

Another method to ground oneself is to embody a purity of spirit with childlike innocence, which beckons miracles.  There is a story of a woman who pulled healing energy through another because she had grounded herself on the level of Spirit with her belief in receiving the healing flow of energy from Source. 

Here is the story. Jesus was in a crowd when he felt a large amount of energy being pulled through him.  So…he stopped and turned around and there was a woman who was touching the hem of his robe, a woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years.  As she touched his robe a current of energy flowed through Jesus into her, and she was instantly healed. She had a purity of belief that just to touch Jesus would lead to her healing. And it did. Just like this woman, stay present in the moment, see your positive outcome, and use a childlike, innocent trust that it will happen.

For you to manifest miracles in your life, in whatever way you define miracles to be, ground yourself so that you can pull universal energy that you need from Source.  

I believe the ancient Greek words in the Miracle of Loaves and Fishes have a deep meaning for us.  Be in the moment, believe with all our heart and soul, and then without doubt, without judgment, without discomfort- just like a child......Believe!  

Being just as we are, in a moment of Love; perfectly grounds us to receive the flow from the multiverse, and to live in abundance.  As Neale Donald Walsh has said: “Use the knowledge of how to create things in your life from a place of Love, never from a place of fear.  Fear pushes what you want away from you.  Love draws it in.”  So, I say, just lie back in your garden in this moment of Love. 

And this might be difficult to accept but it is important to not be so serious all the time.... have fun, laugh, do things that bring you Joy!   After all, this moment is the only time that exists.  And the present is the only time you can receive.

By dwelling on the present moment, this now and now and now, we can perceive things so differently.  This shift of perception is crucial to creating miracles.  When your consciousness is altered in this way, you will see the abundance and beauty that already exists all around you, not in the past, not in the future but now! 

Diverse cultures have been doing this type of spiritual grounding for thousands of years. The actual practices differ from culture to culture, but it is a state of mind, a state of being, a state of belief, a state of connecting to all that is right now in this sacred moment. So, let’s continue to live in this Love Moment and Create Miracles!

Blessings of Miracles to you All


Asking for a Miracle


Miracles-Acting As If