Asking for a Miracle


Linda Stern of The Convocation of the Divine Feminine
Conditions of a Miracle: 
Condition Three: Asking for a Miracle.

Good morning and Blessings to you all.

“Ask, and ye shall receive.  
Seek; and ye shall find.  
Knock and it shall be opened unto you. 
For everyone that asks receives. 
and everyone that seeks finds. 
and to everyone that knocks it shall be opened.”

This passage is found in 3 different locations- Matthew, Luke, and John from The Sermon on the Mount.  It, as I am sure know, was spoken by the Master Miracle Maker, Jesus who left us messages and clues about manifesting miracles in our world.  As Jesus said: “These things that I do, you also will do, and you will do greater than I.”

Asking for a Miracle, in these Biblical verses, refers to opening your heart to the Divine for personal conversations.  Asking is the 3rd principle from Todd Michael’s book, 12 Conditions of a Miracle.  This year we are referring to this book for our spiritual direction at Interfaith.  Each of the 12 conditions is a principle in spiritual practices worldwide and worthy of our considerations even without the carrot of manifestation of miracles.  Please consider, while I speak, the similarities of asking and prayer.

So just as a small recap. In January, the first condition of a miracle was to empty ourselves of ourselves, to step out of the way and become quiet, so we can hear the voice of Spirit.  How busy we have become that the sound of the Multiverse, of the Holy One, of Goddess, of God, of Love has become something we have to retrain ourselves to hear.  One of the ways that this condition of emptiness is attained is by a meditation practice.  As Mother Theresa said: “God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.”  

In the month of February, the second condition was that of alignment with the multiverse. To set our intent of having spirit, thoughts, and actions come into alignment with the highest principles of multiverse; that of Love and Compassion.  Engaging with the flow of the multiverse gives your path power. As the Dalai Lama said, “Only the development of compassion and Love can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.” 

And in this, the third month, we are now being guided to the third principle, which is to  ask  the multiverse for our form of a miracle.  According to Todd Michael, there are specific ways to ask which is in a particular way so that the universe really hears you.  And why not?  If you know exactly what you want and how to ask, the multiverse responds with amazing accuracy.  Who amongst us has not had the experience that our hearts’ desire ends up in our life and then we are totally amazed?  Is this just coincidence or is your heart so involved with your request that the key to the lock presents itself and opens the door?

To accomplish this 3rd condition, this asking…. the first thing you must know is what you desire.  Sounds easy, right?  Being clear, knowing what you truly want sounds easier than it is. This is a process of condensing your desires from the ethers into thoughts then into words then into actions. This is one of the oldest tenants of Ancient Wisdom – binding the above with the below in action and the heart.

But know; it is the essence of the request, not a thing that is important to focus on. Our experience here on earth is deeper and more complex than a series of things.  What is it you want to feel…?   Not what do you want to have

Here’s an example: if you want a house.... feel  why  you want a house----is it security, safety, family, connection, pleasure? What is it you want to feel?  Then request whatever the  essence  is…..request that and let the infinitely wise and accomplished Holy One, Multiverse, Goddess/ God use all possible resources to get you there. 

Try to be general about the approach- let the universe handle the details and the best path to get there. Describe the general feeling you desire and the most accomplished Miracle Maker in the multiverse will sing your song!  Place your request, then surrender and trust that the Universe will provide. 

Perhaps some of you remember when my son had a snowboarding accident a few years ago.  He was in the ICU for 4 days and in the hospital for 10 more days.  I was with him 23 hours a day. During the time he was in the ICU, the experience was intense. My reality was entirely my son and our Holy Divine Source.  Nothing else existed.  I had to battle with many things- interior and exterior during this time.  In retrospect I realize that the principles of a miracle were engaged- but not by my intellect. It was by my heart and my connection with The Divine.   I knew what I wanted, knew what I needed to feel, and I placed my request through personal conversation with Divine Source and surrendered.  It’s not as though I had knowledge of how a spleen healed or even if a spleen could heal.  

But in the deep of the night, I had stillness, in the deep of the night I was in flow with the universe, in the deep of the night I had clarity and faith.  I had a true conversation with The Divine, a true asking to The Divine, a true prayer with The Divine in an intimate relationship of the heart.  At the end of this healing experience of Andy, the doctors wanted to write about it in a medical journal because not only did the spleen heal but it grew back together and quickly. We were all grateful. Which, by the way, is an important part in the creation of Miracles.

Try to understand that the desire for the  feeling  that a “house” or a healing can bring, is just  part  of a larger picture.  For manifesting to be successful, make sure that your desire and your asking and your prayer is connected to higher purpose.  Then the multiverse will have a vested interest in fulfilling your desire.  Know that requests that serve Higher Purpose and serve others are revered above other requests.

Here is a Biblical reading about asking from Kings about King Solomon:

“At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said,  "Ask! What shall I give you?" 

And Solomon asked for wisdom to serve his people.

The request pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing.

Then God said to him:  "Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies,

but instead have asked for understanding to discern justice-

Behold!   I have done according to your words! you see the process, the selflessness?   In addition, it reads:

“I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has never been anyone like you before, nor shall there be any like you after

And I have also given you what you have not asked for: both riches and honor, so there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days.”

So, when I considered this information about the principle of “asking”, I paused to reflect. The condition of “asking” sounds a lot to me like –prayer! In fact, by the definitions, the only real difference in prayer is the inclusion of appealing to Divinity for an answer to our requests. 

This condition of asking is so sweet and familiar.  It is having a personal conversation with the Divine- not thru an intercessor, not thru a formula, not through rules and dogma, but thru the truest form of devotion- that of the heart.  To me, this kind of asking is prayer

I have always felt that if we just speak from our heart, not only will we hear each other, but Divine Source will hear us, as well. A conversation with The Divine acknowledges that Divinity exists and that we matter enough to be heard.  I know that we are truly loved forms of Being. In the form of you….and you ……and me. Personal conversations or “asking” or prayers from the heart have the power – and the flow - of the multiverse in them. 

Mahatma Gandhi said,  “Prayer is not idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.”

Our personal experience, our personal feelings, our personal path is of great importance to Divine Creator.  We are all important and precious points of Light to our Creator who cares much about our success - if only from a functional standpoint but it is much bigger than that. 

To me, the most powerful of prayers, or forms of asking- come from our heart and goes straight to Divine Sources’ heart where the appeal is not only heard but felt.  Some of the most powerful prayers spoken, written, sung, danced, drawn, incorporate elements that unlock the door to The Divine. I do not know in my intellect what all the elements- but my heart knows the way. 

Here is a writing by Kahlil Gibran.   Prayer 22 speaks of asking and prayer and personal conversations with God.

“Then a priestess said, "Speak to us of Prayer.  

And a Wise One answered: You pray in your distress and in your need- would that you might pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether? 

And if it is for your comfort to pour your darkness into space, it is also for your delight to pour forth the dawning of your heart. 

And if you weep when your soul summons you to prayer, you should come again and again weeping, until you come laughing. 

When you pray, you rise to meet in the air those who are praying at that very same time, and whom except in prayer you will not meet.

Let your visit to that invisible temple be only for ecstasy and sweet communion. 

I cannot teach you how to pray in words.  God listens not to your words—except when God utters them through your lips. 

But if you listen in the stillness of the night, the stillness of your night, you shall hear in the silence, 

Our God, who art our winged self, it is thy will in us that wills. It is thy desire in us that desires.  It is thy urge in us that would turn our nights, which are yours, into days, which are yours also. 

We cannot ask you for anything that you don’t already know. 

You are our need; and in giving us more of yourself you give us all."

I believe that the most powerful prayers to The Divine are written ourselves, in a personal style from our heart to Divine Holy Loving Creator’s heart. Pour yourself into your asking, your prayer, your personal conversation.  Hold nothing back as God already knows anyway. And then surrender. And have faith and trust that your beautiful voice has been heard. As it is. 

Ask for your Miracle- connect from your heart in a miraculous conversation with the Holy One, Creator, Divinity that will manifest a miracle for you and the world.

Here is a prayer I have written from my heart for today

Dear One, Loving Source of All,

I hear your strong and sure voice 

within my heart, within my soul. 

Thank you for your presence in our lives, 

showing us abundance in every possible form.

This I ask of you, Dear One- 

This I pray to you, Dear One-

That the sweetness of the existence 

touches every being in the Universe.

That the Abundant Blessings of your Love and Compassion

 live in every heart-

That the fullness of your joy 

is felt in every moment.

May your Blessings 

Flower in each of our Hearts


Summary of Conditions of a Miracle


Miracle Grounding