New Growth


Linda Stern of The Convocation of the Divine Feminine
The Cycles of Being, April: New Growth.
The Divine Feminine Births New Growth.

How beautiful are the languages of Spirit. Each with its own vibration and resonance that appeals to different perspectives, yet each one of them leading our hearts home with a common cord of truth and love. When I consider how amazing and loving and beautiful the spin of a galaxy is or the depth of another’s eyes or the vibration of a piece of music, I am sometimes overwhelmed with Love.  I see The Holy One’s presence in each one of us and in everything, so it doesn’t surprise me that the ancient mystery of Sacred Geometry is part of that, if we have eyes to see.

Why is it that we feel in such harmony when we see certain shapes? 

Do they appeal to an acculturated sense of beauty or is it a genetically coded logarithmic doorway to divinity? I believe that the visual sights, key us to a vibrational response allowing our various energy bodies to transcend this physical state of being and return to the Holy State of Unity. 

Sacred Geometry is an ancient science that pertains to energy patterns that create, unify, and organize the Multiverses through mathematics. In Sacred Geometry, the ancients felt that before.... what I call the Outbreath.... that there was one Unity in the form of a perfectly curved sphere that contains All as undivided spirit. 

One Point of Unity – timelessness and before the Outbreath –
that generated a likeness, a twin in birthing duality.  So, then there were two points – perfected twins with equal potential. Tremendous energy is contained within the motion of new growth and here are two points for growth.  There is the straight-line motion of point B moving away from point A sometimes seen as a masculine movement and the rotational feminine motion of point B moving around point A and point A moving around point B in an eternal dance. Mirroring, responding, breathing together.   

This new dual growth of motion produced yet another sphere. 

These 2 spheres, with a common radius, created another new growth,
an overlapping shape the ancients called the Vesica Pisces. It is the believed that ALL dimensional forms of this reality, this cosmos, all new growth evolved and evolves in this womb in this petal-like overlap. In ancient times, the Vesica Pisces was taken as a representation of the genitalia of the Divine Feminine and her creative aspect, producing new growth.  With the addition of more circles, and more intersection points, more creation wombs of Vesica Pisces are created which forms the Flower of Life pattern that has been found in various sacred sites around the world.  Some believe that this pattern contains a code for the creative new growth process in this part of the multiverse. Is this way we react so positively to the sight of a flower and its petals?

New creations from a Vesica Pisces enter into being through an intra-dimensional doorway known as the Golden Mean Spiral. This spiral is an intelligent guide into and out of this reality and is thought to be one of the Divine Feminine Faces of Sacred Geometry. In Sacred Geometry, you begin to see the wonderfully patterned beauty of The One demonstrated this time by the Divine Feminine Golden Mean Spiral.  You can find the Golden Mean Spiral in pinecones, a flower’s petal and seeds pattern, the branching of trees, lightening, and rivers, nautilus shells, fractals, birds and flying insects’ body and wing proportions, the geometric molecular and atomic patterns that all solid metals exhibit, the galaxy we spiral within, our DNA, the cornea of our eye, the proportions of our bodies.  And this is just a small sampling.  

The ancient Greeks attributed the detection of the Golden Mean number ratio and spiral to Pythagoras, but this ratio was studied in India and Egypt long before this time. The Golden Mean Spiral is a shape that is an absolute in both abstract mathematics and chaos nature.  It is the harmony and glue of the universe. The Divine Feminine Golden Mean Spiral is a transformational portal that weaves the ethereal and material dimensions together, through which new growth emerges into a manifest 3-D reality. You might even think of it as an Energetic Vortex or passageway. 

The Vesica Pisces, the Divine Feminine Womb of the Multiverse, constantly generates new growth and forms a matrix that perfumes the multiverse with creativity. And then the Vesica Pisces womb, works in partnership with the Divine Feminine Golden Mean Spiral to guide vibrations into and out of manifestation in the Multiverses. A birthing place, a pathway to realities, a Womb, and an umbilical. 

I must laugh when I remember how I used to be intimidated by mathematical ratios and equation in physics. That is because I now believe we are all coded with these numbers and vibrations cellularly, energetically, from our time before the outbreath, before our eternal birth. And far from being cold and unfeeling, they are a stable and constantly loving essence from which we are all birthed.  It is The Holy Womb of all existence. It is the birthplace of Love.

2006 Convocation of the Divine Feminine, 4/2006


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